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This section lists some note worthy users of memory within the broker and where possible lists their usage of heap and direct memory. Note that to ensure smooth performance some heap memory should remain unused by the application and be reserved for the JVM to do house keeping and garbage collection. Some guides advise to reserve up to 30% of heap memory for the JVM.

Messages and their headers are kept in direct memory and have an additional overhead of approximately 1 kB heap memory each. This means that most brokers will want to have more direct memory than heap memory. When many small messages accumulate on the broker the 1 kB heap memory overhead can become a limiting factor.

When the broker is running low on direct memory it will evict enqueued messages from memory and flow them to disk. For persistent messages this only means freeing the direct memory representation because they always have an on-disk representation to guard against unexpected failure (e.g., a power cut). For transient messages this implies additional disk I/O. After being flowed to disk messages need to be re-read from disk before delivery.

Please, note that messages from uncommitted transactions are not flowed to disk as part of running into low direct memory conditions, as they are not enqueued yet. The Connection has its own threshold for keeping messages from uncommitted transactions in memory. Only when Connection threshold is breached, the uncommitted messages on the connection are flowed to disk.