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Appendix G. Queue Declaration Arguments supported by the Broker

Qpid Broker-J supports a number of custom arguments which can be specified as part of queue.declare commands for AMQP 0-x protocols. This section provides an overview of the supported arguments.

Table G.1. Queue declare arguments

Argument NameDescription

Declaration of overflow policy. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for more details.



Defines queue overflow policy.


Defines maximum number of messages.


Defines maximum number of bytes.

The Overflow Policy and the limits can be specified using Address based syntax as in the example below:

my-queue; {create: always, node:
{x-declare: {arguments:
{'qpid.max_count': 10000,
'qpid.max_size': 102400,
'qpid.policy_type: 'ring'}}}}


Alternative declaration of Producer Flow Control overflow policy. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for more details.



Defines maximum number of bytes.


Defines flow resume threshold in bytes

The Producer Flow Control can be specified using Address based syntax as in the example below:

my-queue; {create: always, node:
{x-declare: {arguments:
{'x-qpid-capacity': 102400,
'x-qpid-flow-resume-capacity': 8192000}}}}



Specifies a priority queue with given number priorities


Specifies sorted queue with given message property used to sort the entries


Specifies lvq queue with given message property used to conflate the entries


Set to true if the queue should make all consumers attached to it behave non-destructively. (Default is false).


Specifies this queue's maximum delivery count.