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Before you can use the REST API, you must authenticate. Authentication decisions are made by the authentication provider associated with HTTP port on which you connect.

You may authenticate using SASL (/service/sasl) or HTTP Basic Authentication. The latter is convienent when using tools such as curl on the command line. This is illustrated in the examples below.

For SASL authentication use a GET request to /service/sasl to get a list of supported SASL mechanisms, and use PUT to the same URL to perform the SASL negotiation.

It is possible to end an authenticated session using /service/logout.

Methods PUT or POST can be used to create ConfiguredObject.

ConfiguredObject can be created by submitting PUT request against ConfiguredObject full URI (the one ending with configured object name) or by submitting PUT/POST request against parent URI. The request encoding should be json (application/json) and request body should contain attributes values in json format. On successful completion of operation a response should be returned having response status code set to 201 and response header "Location" set to ConfiguredObject full URI. If object with a such name/id already exist and POST/PUT requests is made against parent URI, an error response should be returned having response code 409 (conflict) and body containing the json with the reason of operation failure. If object with a such name/id already exist and and PUT request is made against ConfiguredObject full URI, then ConfiguredObject update should be performed and http status code 200 should be returned. If ConfiguredObject cannot be created because of validation failure(s) the response should have http status code set 422 (Unprocessible Entity) and body should contain json with the reason of operation failure. On any other failure to create ConfiguredObject the response should have status code set to 400 (Bad Request) and payload should contain a json with error explaining the exact reason of failure.

Table 6.1. HTTP status codes returned by REST interfaces

Status codeDescription


REST request is successfully completed. This status code can be returned by update, delete and get requests.


New configured object is created. It is returned by REST PUT and POST requests for creation of configured objects.


REST request cannot be performed due to errors in request. It can be returned from create, update and delete requests. The details of a problem are provided in the response payload in json format.


The request requires user authentication


Execution of request is not allowed due to failure to authorize user operation.


The requested configured object cannot be found. This status code can be returned from POST update requests if configured object does not exist. The reason for the status code is provided in the response payload in json format.


The request can not be performed because its execution can create conflicts in the broker. This status code can be returned from POST/PUT create requests against parent URI if configured object with requested name or id already exists. The status code 409 can also be returned if removal or update of configured object can violate system integrity. The reason for the status code is provided in the response payload in json format.


The request can not be performed because provided information either incomplete or invalid. This status code can be returned from create or update requests. The reason for the status code is provided in the response payload in json format.

When using the Query API one specifies the category of the object to query, a list of attributes to return in the result set, an optional where clause, expressed as a predicate, that determines the filtering criteria, ordering, and limit/offset. The features should be readily recognisable to anyone who has has familiarity with SQL.

Queries associate with either the broker as a whole, or an individual virtualhost. Queries associated with the Broker can query any object within the Broker. Queries associated with a virtualhost are limited to the objects of the virtualhost itself. For instance a queue query associated with a virtualhost queries only the queues belonging to that virtualhost. On the other hand, a queue query associated with the Broker sees all the queues belonging on the entire Broker.

The QueryAPI accepts select, where, orderBy, limit and offset request parameters.

The Query API returns a JSON response. The response contains the following: