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#include "options.hpp"

#include <proton/connection.hpp>
#include <proton/connection_options.hpp>
#include <proton/container.hpp>
#include <proton/messaging_handler.hpp>
#include <proton/reconnect_options.hpp>

#include <iostream>

class simple_connect : public proton::messaging_handler {
    std::string url;
    std::string user;
    std::string password;
    bool reconnect;
    bool sasl;
    std::string mechs;
    bool insecure;
    proton::connection connection;

    simple_connect(const std::string &a, const std::string &u, const std::string &p,
                   bool r, bool s, const std::string& ms, bool in) :
        url(a), user(u), password(p),
        reconnect(r), sasl(s), mechs(ms), insecure(in) {}

    void on_container_start(proton::container &c) override {
        proton::connection_options co;
        if (!user.empty()) co.user(user);
        if (!password.empty()) co.password(password);
        if (reconnect) co.reconnect(proton::reconnect_options());
        if (sasl) co.sasl_enabled(true);
        // NB: We only set sasl options if they are not default to avoid
        // forcing SASL negotiation on when it's not needed.
        // This is because the SASL negotiation is turned off unless
        // it is needed. Setting a username/password or any SASL option will
        // force the SASL negotiation to be turned on.
        if (!mechs.empty()) co.sasl_allowed_mechs(mechs);
        if (insecure) co.sasl_allow_insecure_mechs(true);
        connection = c.connect(url, co);

    void on_connection_open(proton::connection &c) override {
        if (!reconnect) c.close();

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::string address("");
    std::string user;
    std::string password;
    bool reconnect = false;
    bool sasl = false;
    std::string mechs;
    bool insecure = false;
    example::options opts(argc, argv);

    opts.add_value(address, 'a', "address", "connect and send to URL", "URL");
    opts.add_value(user, 'u', "user", "authenticate as USER", "USER");
    opts.add_value(password, 'p', "password", "authenticate with PASSWORD", "PASSWORD");
    opts.add_flag(reconnect, 'r', "reconnect", "reconnect on connection failure");
    opts.add_flag(sasl,'s', "sasl", "force SASL authentication with no user specified (Use for Kerberos/GSSAPI)");
    opts.add_value(mechs, 'm', "mechs", "allowed SASL mechanisms", "MECHS");
    opts.add_flag(insecure, 'i', "insecure", "allow clear-text passwords");

    try {

        simple_connect connect(address, user, password, reconnect, sasl, mechs, insecure);

        return 0;
    } catch (const example::bad_option& e) {
        std::cout << opts << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

    return 1;

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