Qpid Proton C++ API  0.38.0
Connection Configuration

Proton clients can read default connection configuration from a configuration file.

If the environment variable MESSAGING_CONNECT_FILE is set, it is the path to the file. Otherwise the client looks for a file named connect.json in the following locations, using the first one found:

  • Current working directory of client process.
  • $HOME/.config/messaging/ - $HOME is user's home directory.
  • $PREFIX/etc/messaging/ - $PREFIX is the prefix where the proton library is installed
  • /etc/messaging/

The configuration file is in JSON object format. Comments are allowed, as defined by the JavaScript Minifier

The file format is as follows. Properties are shown with their default values, all properties are optional.

  "scheme": "amqps",   // [string] "amqp" (no TLS) or "amqps"
  "host": "localhost", // [string] DNS or IP address for connection. Defaults to local host.
  "port": "amqps",     // [string] "amqp", "amqps" or port number. Defaults to value of 'scheme'.
  "user": null,        // [string] Authentication user name
  "password": null,    // [string] Authentication password

  "sasl": {
    "enable": true,         // [bool] Enable or disable SASL
    "mechanisms": null,     // [list] List of allowed SASL mechanism names.
                            // If null the library determines the default list.
    "allow_insecure": false // [boolean] Allow mechanisms that send unencrypted clear-text passwords

  // Note: it is an error to have a "tls" object unless scheme="amqps"
  "tls": {
    "cert": null,   // [string] name of client certificate or database
    "key": null,    // [string] private key or identity for client certificate
    "ca": null,     // [string] name of CA certificate or database
    "verify": true  // [bool] if true, require a valid cert with matching host name