Source code for proton._endpoints

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The proton.endpoints module

import weakref

    PN_SOURCE, PN_TARGET, PN_UNSPECIFIED, pn_connection, pn_connection_attachments, pn_connection_close, \
    pn_connection_collect, pn_connection_condition, pn_connection_desired_capabilities, pn_connection_error, \
    pn_connection_get_authorization, pn_connection_get_container, pn_connection_get_hostname, pn_connection_get_user, \
    pn_connection_offered_capabilities, \
    pn_connection_open, pn_connection_properties, pn_connection_release, pn_connection_remote_condition, \
    pn_connection_remote_container, pn_connection_remote_desired_capabilities, pn_connection_remote_hostname, \
    pn_connection_remote_offered_capabilities, pn_connection_remote_properties, \
    pn_connection_set_authorization, pn_connection_set_container, \
    pn_connection_set_hostname, pn_connection_set_password, pn_connection_set_user, pn_connection_state, \
    pn_connection_transport, pn_delivery, pn_error_code, pn_error_text, pn_link_advance, pn_link_attachments, \
    pn_link_available, pn_link_close, pn_link_condition, pn_link_credit, pn_link_current, pn_link_detach, pn_link_drain, \
    pn_link_drained, pn_link_draining, pn_link_error, pn_link_flow, pn_link_free, pn_link_get_drain, pn_link_head, \
    pn_link_is_receiver, pn_link_is_sender, pn_link_max_message_size, pn_link_name, pn_link_next, pn_link_offered, \
    pn_link_open, pn_link_queued, pn_link_rcv_settle_mode, pn_link_recv, pn_link_remote_condition, \
    pn_link_remote_max_message_size, pn_link_remote_rcv_settle_mode, pn_link_remote_snd_settle_mode, \
    pn_link_remote_source, pn_link_remote_target, pn_link_send, pn_link_session, pn_link_set_drain, \
    pn_link_set_max_message_size, pn_link_set_rcv_settle_mode, pn_link_set_snd_settle_mode, pn_link_snd_settle_mode, \
    pn_link_source, pn_link_state, pn_link_target, pn_link_unsettled, pn_receiver, pn_sender, pn_session, \
    pn_session_attachments, pn_session_close, pn_session_condition, pn_session_connection, pn_session_free, \
    pn_session_get_incoming_capacity, pn_session_get_outgoing_window, pn_session_head, pn_session_incoming_bytes, \
    pn_session_next, pn_session_open, pn_session_outgoing_bytes, pn_session_remote_condition, \
    pn_session_set_incoming_capacity, pn_session_set_outgoing_window, pn_session_state, pn_terminus_capabilities, \
    pn_terminus_copy, pn_terminus_filter, pn_terminus_get_address, pn_terminus_get_distribution_mode, \
    pn_terminus_get_durability, pn_terminus_get_expiry_policy, pn_terminus_get_timeout, pn_terminus_get_type, \
    pn_terminus_is_dynamic, pn_terminus_outcomes, pn_terminus_properties, pn_terminus_set_address, \
    pn_terminus_set_distribution_mode, pn_terminus_set_durability, pn_terminus_set_dynamic, \
    pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy, pn_terminus_set_timeout, pn_terminus_set_type, \
    pn_link_properties, pn_link_remote_properties, \

from ._condition import cond2obj, obj2cond
from ._data import Data, dat2obj, obj2dat, PropertyDict, SymbolList
from ._delivery import Delivery
from ._exceptions import ConnectionException, EXCEPTIONS, LinkException, SessionException
from ._handler import Handler
from ._transport import Transport
from ._wrapper import Wrapper
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    from ._condition import Condition
    from ._data import Array, PythonAMQPData, symbol
    from ._events import Collector
    from ._message import Message

[docs]class Endpoint(object): """ Abstract class from which :class:`Connection`, :class:`Session` and :class:`Link` are derived, and which defines the state of these classes. The :class:`Endpoint` state is an integral value with flags that encode both the local and remote state of an AMQP Endpoint (:class:`Connection`, :class:`Link`, or :class:`Session`). The individual bits may be accessed using :const:`LOCAL_UNINIT`, :const:`LOCAL_ACTIVE`, :const:`LOCAL_CLOSED`, and :const:`REMOTE_UNINIT`, :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE`, :const:`REMOTE_CLOSED`. Every AMQP endpoint (:class:`Connection`, :class:`Link`, or :class:`Session`) starts out in an uninitialized state and then proceeds linearly to an active and then closed state. This lifecycle occurs at both endpoints involved, and so the state model for an endpoint includes not only the known local state, but also the last known state of the remote endpoint. """ LOCAL_UNINIT = PN_LOCAL_UNINIT """ The local endpoint state is uninitialized. """ REMOTE_UNINIT = PN_REMOTE_UNINIT """ The local endpoint state is active. """ LOCAL_ACTIVE = PN_LOCAL_ACTIVE """ The local endpoint state is closed. """ REMOTE_ACTIVE = PN_REMOTE_ACTIVE """ The remote endpoint state is uninitialized. """ LOCAL_CLOSED = PN_LOCAL_CLOSED """ The remote endpoint state is active. """ REMOTE_CLOSED = PN_REMOTE_CLOSED """ The remote endpoint state is closed. """ def _init(self) -> None: self.condition: Optional['Condition'] = None self._handler: Optional[Handler] = None def _update_cond(self) -> None: obj2cond(self.condition, self._get_cond_impl()) @property def remote_condition(self) -> Optional['Condition']: """ The remote condition associated with the connection endpoint. See :class:`Condition` for more information. """ return cond2obj(self._get_remote_cond_impl()) # the following must be provided by subclasses def _get_cond_impl(self): assert False, "Subclass must override this!" def _get_remote_cond_impl(self): assert False, "Subclass must override this!" @property def handler(self) -> Optional[Handler]: """Handler for events. :getter: Get the event handler, or return ``None`` if no handler has been set. :setter: Set the event handler.""" return self._handler @handler.setter def handler(self, handler: Optional[Handler]) -> None: # TODO Hack This is here for some very odd (IMO) backwards compat behaviour if handler is None: self._handler = None elif isinstance(handler, Handler): self._handler = handler else: self._handler = Handler() self._handler.add(handler)
[docs]class Connection(Wrapper, Endpoint): """ A representation of an AMQP connection. """ @staticmethod def wrap(impl): if isnull(impl): return None else: return Connection(impl) def __init__(self, impl: Any = None) -> None: if impl is None: Wrapper.__init__(self, constructor=pn_connection, get_context=pn_connection_attachments) else: Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_connection_attachments) def _init(self) -> None: Endpoint._init(self) self.offered_capabilities_list = None self.desired_capabilities_list = None = None self.url = None self._acceptor = None def _get_attachments(self): return pn_connection_attachments(self._impl) @property def connection(self) -> 'Connection': """ Get this connection. """ return self @property def transport(self) -> Optional[Transport]: """ The transport bound to this connection. If the connection is unbound, then this operation will return ``None``. """ return Transport.wrap(pn_connection_transport(self._impl)) def _check(self, err: int) -> int: if err < 0: exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, ConnectionException) raise exc("[%s]: %s" % (err, pn_connection_error(self._impl))) else: return err def _get_cond_impl(self): return pn_connection_condition(self._impl) def _get_remote_cond_impl(self): return pn_connection_remote_condition(self._impl) # TODO: Blacklisted API call def collect(self, collector: 'Collector') -> None: if collector is None: pn_connection_collect(self._impl, None) else: pn_connection_collect(self._impl, collector._impl) self._collector = weakref.ref(collector) @property def container(self) -> str: """The container name for this connection object.""" return pn_connection_get_container(self._impl) @container.setter def container(self, name: str) -> None: pn_connection_set_container(self._impl, name) @property def hostname(self) -> Optional[str]: """Set the name of the host (either fully qualified or relative) to which this connection is connecting to. This information may be used by the remote peer to determine the correct back-end service to connect the client to. This value will be sent in the Open performative, and will be used by SSL and SASL layers to identify the peer. """ return pn_connection_get_hostname(self._impl) @hostname.setter def hostname(self, name: str) -> None: pn_connection_set_hostname(self._impl, name) @property def user(self) -> Optional[str]: """The authentication username for a client connection. It is necessary to set the username and password before binding the connection to a transport and it isn't allowed to change after the binding. If not set then no authentication will be negotiated unless the client sasl layer is explicitly created (this would be for something like Kerberos where the credentials are implicit in the environment, or to explicitly use the ``ANONYMOUS`` SASL mechanism) """ return pn_connection_get_user(self._impl) @user.setter def user(self, name: str) -> None: pn_connection_set_user(self._impl, name) @property def authorization(self) -> str: """The authorization username for a client connection. It is necessary to set the authorization before binding the connection to a transport and it isn't allowed to change after the binding. If not set then implicitly the requested authorization is the same as the authentication user. """ return pn_connection_get_authorization(self._impl) @authorization.setter def authorization(self, name: str) -> None: pn_connection_set_authorization(self._impl, name) @property def password(self) -> None: """Set the authentication password for a client connection. It is necessary to set the username and password before binding the connection to a transport and it isn't allowed to change after the binding. .. note:: Getting the password always returns ``None``. """ return None @password.setter def password(self, name: str) -> None: pn_connection_set_password(self._impl, name) @property def remote_container(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The container identifier specified by the remote peer for this connection. This will return ``None`` until the :const:'REMOTE_ACTIVE` state is reached. See :class:`Endpoint` for more details on endpoint state. Any (non ``None``) name returned by this operation will be valid until the connection object is unbound from a transport or freed, whichever happens sooner. """ return pn_connection_remote_container(self._impl) @property def remote_hostname(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The hostname specified by the remote peer for this connection. This will return ``None`` until the :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE` state is reached. See :class:`Endpoint` for more details on endpoint state. Any (non ``None``) name returned by this operation will be valid until the connection object is unbound from a transport or freed, whichever happens sooner. """ return pn_connection_remote_hostname(self._impl) @property def remote_offered_capabilities(self): """ The capabilities offered by the remote peer for this connection. This operation will return a :class:`Data` object that is valid until the connection object is freed. This :class:`Data` object will be empty until the remote connection is opened as indicated by the :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE` flag. :type: :class:`Data` """ c = dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_offered_capabilities(self._impl)) return c and SymbolList(c) @property def remote_desired_capabilities(self): """ The capabilities desired by the remote peer for this connection. This operation will return a :class:`Data` object that is valid until the connection object is freed. This :class:`Data` object will be empty until the remote connection is opened as indicated by the :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE` flag. :type: :class:`Data` """ c = dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_desired_capabilities(self._impl)) return c and SymbolList(c) @property def remote_properties(self): """ The properties specified by the remote peer for this connection. This operation will return a :class:`Data` object that is valid until the connection object is freed. This :class:`Data` object will be empty until the remote connection is opened as indicated by the :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE` flag. :type: :class:`Data` """ return dat2obj(pn_connection_remote_properties(self._impl)) @property def connected_address(self) -> str: """The address for this connection.""" return self.url and str(self.url)
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """ Opens the connection. In more detail, this moves the local state of the connection to the ``ACTIVE`` state and triggers an open frame to be sent to the peer. A connection is fully active once both peers have opened it. """ obj2dat(self.offered_capabilities, pn_connection_offered_capabilities(self._impl)) obj2dat(self.desired_capabilities, pn_connection_desired_capabilities(self._impl)) obj2dat(, pn_connection_properties(self._impl)) pn_connection_open(self._impl)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the connection. In more detail, this moves the local state of the connection to the ``CLOSED`` state and triggers a close frame to be sent to the peer. A connection is fully closed once both peers have closed it. """ self._update_cond() pn_connection_close(self._impl) if hasattr(self, '_session_policy'): # break circular ref del self._session_policy t = self.transport if t and t._connect_selectable: # close() requested before TCP connect handshake completes on socket. # Dismantle connection setup logic. s = t._connect_selectable t._connect_selectable = None t.close_head() t.close_tail() s._transport = None t._selectable = None s.terminate() s.update()
@property def state(self) -> int: """ The state of the connection as a bit field. The state has a local and a remote component. Each of these can be in one of three states: ``UNINIT``, ``ACTIVE`` or ``CLOSED``. These can be tested by masking against :const:`LOCAL_UNINIT`, :const:`LOCAL_ACTIVE`, :const:`LOCAL_CLOSED`, :const:`REMOTE_UNINIT`, :const:`REMOTE_ACTIVE` and :const:`REMOTE_CLOSED`. """ return pn_connection_state(self._impl)
[docs] def session(self) -> 'Session': """ Returns a new session on this connection. :return: New session :raises: :class:`SessionException` """ ssn = pn_session(self._impl) if ssn is None: raise (SessionException("Session allocation failed.")) else: return Session(ssn)
[docs] def session_head(self, mask: int) -> Optional['Session']: """ Retrieve the first session from a given connection that matches the specified state mask. Examines the state of each session owned by the connection, and returns the first session that matches the given state mask. If state contains both local and remote flags, then an exact match against those flags is performed. If state contains only local or only remote flags, then a match occurs if any of the local or remote flags are set respectively. :param mask: State mask to match :return: The first session owned by the connection that matches the mask, else ``None`` if no sessions matches. """ return Session.wrap(pn_session_head(self._impl, mask))
@property def error(self): """ Additional error information associated with the connection. Whenever a connection operation fails (i.e. returns an error code), additional error details can be obtained using this property. The returned value is the error code defined by Proton in ``pn_error_t`` (see ``error.h``). :type: ``int`` """ return pn_error_code(pn_connection_error(self._impl))
[docs] def free(self) -> None: """ Releases this connection object. When a connection object is released, all :class:`Session` and :class:`Link` objects associated with this connection are also released and all :class:`Delivery` objects are settled. """ pn_connection_release(self._impl)
@property def offered_capabilities(self) -> Optional[Union['Array', SymbolList]]: """Offered capabilities as a list of symbols. The AMQP 1.0 specification restricts this list to symbol elements only. It is possible to use the special ``list`` subclass :class:`SymbolList` as it will by default enforce this restriction on construction. In addition, if a string type is used, it will be silently converted into the required symbol. """ return self.offered_capabilities_list @offered_capabilities.setter def offered_capabilities( self, offered_capability_list: Optional[Union['Array', List['symbol'], SymbolList, List[str]]] ) -> None: self.offered_capabilities_list = SymbolList(offered_capability_list) @property def desired_capabilities(self) -> Optional[Union['Array', SymbolList]]: """Desired capabilities as a list of symbols. The AMQP 1.0 specification restricts this list to symbol elements only. It is possible to use the special ``list`` subclass :class:`SymbolList` which will by default enforce this restriction on construction. In addition, if string types are used, this class will be silently convert them into symbols. """ return self.desired_capabilities_list @desired_capabilities.setter def desired_capabilities( self, desired_capability_list: Optional[Union['Array', List['symbol'], SymbolList, List[str]]] ) -> None: self.desired_capabilities_list = SymbolList(desired_capability_list) @property def properties(self) -> Optional[PropertyDict]: """Connection properties as a dictionary of key/values. The AMQP 1.0 specification restricts this dictionary to have keys that are only :class:`symbol` types. It is possible to use the special ``dict`` subclass :class:`PropertyDict` which will by default enforce this restrictions on construction. In addition, if strings type are used, this will silently convert them into symbols. """ return self.properties_dict @properties.setter def properties(self, properties_dict: Optional[Union[PropertyDict, Dict[str, 'PythonAMQPData']]]) -> None: if isinstance(properties_dict, dict): self.properties_dict = PropertyDict(properties_dict, raise_on_error=False) else: self.properties_dict = properties_dict
[docs]class Session(Wrapper, Endpoint): """A container of links""" @staticmethod def wrap(impl): if isnull(impl): return None else: return Session(impl) def __init__(self, impl): Wrapper.__init__(self, impl, pn_session_attachments) def _get_attachments(self): return pn_session_attachments(self._impl) def _get_cond_impl(self): return pn_session_condition(self._impl) def _get_remote_cond_impl(self): return pn_session_remote_condition(self._impl) @property def incoming_capacity(self) -> int: """The incoming capacity of this session in bytes. The incoming capacity of a session determines how much incoming message data the session can buffer. .. note:: If set, this value must be greater than or equal to the negotiated frame size of the transport. The window is computed as a whole number of frames when dividing remaining capacity at a given time by the connection max frame size. As such, capacity and max frame size should be chosen so as to ensure the frame window isn't unduly small and limiting performance. """ return pn_session_get_incoming_capacity(self._impl) @incoming_capacity.setter def incoming_capacity(self, capacity: int) -> None: pn_session_set_incoming_capacity(self._impl, capacity) @property def outgoing_window(self) -> int: """The outgoing window for this session.""" return pn_session_get_outgoing_window(self._impl) @outgoing_window.setter def outgoing_window(self, window: int) -> None: pn_session_set_outgoing_window(self._impl, window) @property def outgoing_bytes(self) -> int: """ The number of outgoing bytes currently buffered.""" return pn_session_outgoing_bytes(self._impl) @property def incoming_bytes(self) -> int: """ The number of incoming bytes currently buffered. """ return pn_session_incoming_bytes(self._impl)
[docs] def open(self) -> None: """ Open a session. Once this operation has completed, the :const:`LOCAL_ACTIVE` state flag will be set. """ pn_session_open(self._impl)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Close a session. Once this operation has completed, the :const:`LOCAL_CLOSED` state flag will be set. This may be called without calling :meth:`open`, in this case it is equivalent to calling :meth:`open` followed by :meth:`close`. """ self._update_cond() pn_session_close(self._impl)
[docs] def next(self, mask): """ Retrieve the next session for this connection that matches the specified state mask. When used with :meth:`Connection.session_head`, application can access all sessions on the connection that match the given state. See :meth:`Connection.session_head` for description of match behavior. :param mask: Mask to match. :return: The next session owned by this connection that matches the mask, else ``None`` if no sessions match. :rtype: :class:`Session` or ``None`` """ return Session.wrap(pn_session_next(self._impl, mask))
@property def state(self) -> int: """ The endpoint state flags for this session. See :class:`Endpoint` for details of the flags. """ return pn_session_state(self._impl) @property def connection(self) -> Connection: """ The parent connection for this session. """ return Connection.wrap(pn_session_connection(self._impl)) @property def transport(self) -> Transport: """ The transport bound to the parent connection for this session. """ return self.connection.transport
[docs] def sender(self, name: str) -> 'Sender': """ Create a new :class:`Sender` on this session. :param name: Name of sender """ return Sender(pn_sender(self._impl, name))
[docs] def receiver(self, name: str) -> 'Receiver': """ Create a new :class:`Receiver` on this session. :param name: Name of receiver """ return Receiver(pn_receiver(self._impl, name))
[docs] def free(self) -> None: """ Free this session. When a session is freed it will no longer be retained by the connection once any internal references to the session are no longer needed. Freeing a session will free all links on that session and settle any deliveries on those links. """ pn_session_free(self._impl)
[docs]class Sender(Link): """ A link over which messages are sent. """
[docs] def offered(self, n: int) -> None: """ Signal the availability of deliveries for this Sender. :param n: Credit the number of deliveries potentially available for transfer. """ pn_link_offered(self._impl, n)
[docs] def stream(self, data: bytes) -> int: """ Send specified data as part of the current delivery. :param data: Data to send """ return self._check(pn_link_send(self._impl, data))
[docs] def send(self, obj: Union[bytes, 'Message'], tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[int, Delivery]: """ A convenience method to send objects as message content. Send specified object over this sender; the object is expected to have a ``send()`` method on it that takes the sender and an optional tag as arguments. Where the object is a :class:`Message`, this will send the message over this link, creating a new delivery for the purpose. """ if hasattr(obj, 'send'): return obj.send(self, tag=tag) else: # treat object as bytes return
[docs] def delivery_tag(self) -> str: """Increments and returns a counter to be used as the next message tag.""" if not hasattr(self, 'tag_generator'): def simple_tags(): count = 1 while True: yield str(count) count += 1 self.tag_generator = simple_tags() return next(self.tag_generator)
[docs]class Receiver(Link): """ A link over which messages are received. """
[docs] def flow(self, n: int) -> None: """ Increases the credit issued to the remote sender by the specified number of messages. :param n: The credit to be issued to the remote sender. """ pn_link_flow(self._impl, n)
[docs] def recv(self, limit: int) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Receive message data for the current delivery on this receiver. .. note:: The link API can be used to stream large messages across the network, so just because there is no data to read does not imply the message is complete. To ensure the entirety of the message data has been read, either invoke :meth:`recv` until ``None`` is returned. :param limit: the max data size to receive of this message :return: The received message data, or ``None`` if the message has been completely received. :raise: * :class:`Timeout` if timed out * :class:`Interrupt` if interrupted * :class:`LinkException` for all other exceptions """ n, binary = pn_link_recv(self._impl, limit) if n == PN_EOS: return None else: self._check(n) return binary
[docs] def drain(self, n: int) -> None: """ Grant credit for incoming deliveries on this receiver, and set drain mode to true. Use :attr:`drain_mode` to set the drain mode explicitly. :param n: The amount by which to increment the link credit """ pn_link_drain(self._impl, n)
[docs] def draining(self) -> bool: """ Check if a link is currently draining. A link is defined to be draining when drain mode is set to ``True``, and the sender still has excess credit. :return: ``True`` if the link is currently draining, ``False`` otherwise. """ return pn_link_draining(self._impl)
[docs]class Terminus(object): """ A source or target for messages. """ UNSPECIFIED = PN_UNSPECIFIED """A nonexistent terminus, may used as a source or target.""" SOURCE = PN_SOURCE """A source of messages.""" TARGET = PN_TARGET """A target for messages.""" COORDINATOR = PN_COORDINATOR """A special target identifying a transaction coordinator.""" NONDURABLE = PN_NONDURABLE """A non durable terminus.""" CONFIGURATION = PN_CONFIGURATION """A terminus with durably held configuration, but not delivery state.""" DELIVERIES = PN_DELIVERIES """A terminus with both durably held configuration and durably held delivery state.""" DIST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = PN_DIST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED """The behavior is defined by the node.""" DIST_MODE_COPY = PN_DIST_MODE_COPY """The receiver gets all messages.""" DIST_MODE_MOVE = PN_DIST_MODE_MOVE """The receiver competes for messages.""" EXPIRE_WITH_LINK = PN_EXPIRE_WITH_LINK """The terminus is orphaned when the parent link is closed.""" EXPIRE_WITH_SESSION = PN_EXPIRE_WITH_SESSION """The terminus is orphaned when the parent session is closed""" EXPIRE_WITH_CONNECTION = PN_EXPIRE_WITH_CONNECTION """The terminus is orphaned when the parent connection is closed""" EXPIRE_NEVER = PN_EXPIRE_NEVER """The terminus is never considered orphaned""" def __init__(self, impl): self._impl = impl def _check(self, err: int) -> int: if err < 0: exc = EXCEPTIONS.get(err, LinkException) raise exc("[%s]" % err) else: return err @property def type(self) -> int: """The terminus type, must be one of :const:`UNSPECIFIED`, :const:`SOURCE`, :const:`TARGET` or :const:`COORDINATOR`. """ return pn_terminus_get_type(self._impl) @type.setter def type(self, type: int) -> None: self._check(pn_terminus_set_type(self._impl, type)) @property def address(self) -> Optional[str]: """The address that identifies the source or target node""" return pn_terminus_get_address(self._impl) @address.setter def address(self, address: str) -> None: self._check(pn_terminus_set_address(self._impl, address)) @property def durability(self) -> int: """The terminus durability mode, must be one of :const:`NONDURABLE`, :const:`CONFIGURATION` or :const:`DELIVERIES`. """ return pn_terminus_get_durability(self._impl) @durability.setter def durability(self, mode: int): self._check(pn_terminus_set_durability(self._impl, mode)) @property def expiry_policy(self) -> int: """The terminus expiry policy, must be one of :const:`EXPIRE_WITH_LINK`, :const:`EXPIRE_WITH_SESSION`, :const:`EXPIRE_WITH_CONNECTION` or :const:`EXPIRE_NEVER`. """ return pn_terminus_get_expiry_policy(self._impl) @expiry_policy.setter def expiry_policy(self, policy: int): self._check(pn_terminus_set_expiry_policy(self._impl, policy)) @property def timeout(self) -> int: """The terminus timeout in seconds.""" return pn_terminus_get_timeout(self._impl) @timeout.setter def timeout(self, seconds: int) -> None: self._check(pn_terminus_set_timeout(self._impl, seconds)) @property def dynamic(self) -> bool: """Indicates whether the source or target node was dynamically created""" return pn_terminus_is_dynamic(self._impl) @dynamic.setter def dynamic(self, dynamic: bool) -> None: self._check(pn_terminus_set_dynamic(self._impl, dynamic)) @property def distribution_mode(self) -> int: """The terminus distribution mode, must be one of :const:`DIST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED`, :const:`DIST_MODE_COPY` or :const:`DIST_MODE_MOVE`. """ return pn_terminus_get_distribution_mode(self._impl) @distribution_mode.setter def distribution_mode(self, mode: int) -> None: self._check(pn_terminus_set_distribution_mode(self._impl, mode)) @property def properties(self): """ Properties of a dynamic source or target. :type: :class:`Data` containing a map with :class:`symbol` keys. """ return Data(pn_terminus_properties(self._impl)) @property def capabilities(self): """ Capabilities of the source or target. :type: :class:`Data` containing an array of :class:`symbol`. """ return Data(pn_terminus_capabilities(self._impl)) @property def outcomes(self): """ Outcomes of the source or target. :type: :class:`Data` containing an array of :class:`symbol`. """ return Data(pn_terminus_outcomes(self._impl)) @property def filter(self): """ A filter on a source allows the set of messages transferred over the link to be restricted. The symbol-keyed map represents a' filter set. :type: :class:`Data` containing a map with :class:`symbol` keys. """ return Data(pn_terminus_filter(self._impl))
[docs] def copy(self, src: 'Terminus') -> None: """ Copy another terminus object. :param src: The terminus to be copied from :raises: :class:`LinkException` if there is an error """ self._check(pn_terminus_copy(self._impl, src._impl))