Qpid Proton C++ API 0.40.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NprotonThe main Proton namespace
 NcodecUnsettled API - AMQP data encoding and decoding
 CdecoderUnsettled API - A stream-like decoder from AMQP bytes to C++ values
 CencoderUnsettled API - A stream-like encoder from C++ values to AMQP bytes
 CfinishUnsettled API - Finish inserting or extracting a complex type
 CstartUnsettled API - Start encoding a complex type
 NioUnsettled API - Interfaces for IO integration
 Cconnection_driverUnsettled API - An AMQP driver for a single connection
 Cconst_bufferUnsettled API - A pointer to an immutable memory region with a size
 Cmutable_bufferUnsettled API - A pointer to a mutable memory region with a size
 Cannotation_keyA key for use with AMQP annotation maps
 CbinaryArbitrary binary data
 Cbyte_arrayArbitrary fixed-size data
 CconnectionA connection to a remote AMQP peer
 Cconnection_optionsOptions for creating a connection
 CcontainerA top-level container of connections, sessions, and links
 Cconversion_errorAn error converting between AMQP and C++ data
 Cdecimal128A 128-bit decimal floating-point value
 Cdecimal32A 32-bit decimal floating-point value
 Cdecimal64A 64-bit decimal floating-point value
 CdeliveryA received message
 Cdelivery_modeThe message delivery policy to establish when opening a link
 CdurationA span of time in milliseconds
 CendpointThe base class for session, connection, and link
 CerrorThe base Proton error
 Cerror_conditionDescribes an endpoint error state
 ClinkA named channel for sending or receiving messages
 Clisten_handlerUnsettled API - A handler for incoming connections
 ClistenerA listener for incoming connections
 CmapA collection of key-value pairs
 CmessageAn AMQP message
 Cmessage_idAn AMQP message ID
 Cmessaging_handlerHandler for Proton messaging events
 CnullThe type of the AMQP null value
 CreceiverA channel for receiving messages
 Creceiver_optionsOptions for creating a receiver
 Creconnect_optionsOptions for reconnect and failover after connection loss
 CreturnedA return type for container methods
 CsaslSASL information
 CscalarA holder for an instance of any scalar AMQP type
 Cscalar_baseThe base class for scalar types
 CsenderA channel for sending messages
 Csender_optionsOptions for creating a sender
 CsessionA container of senders and receivers
 Csession_optionsOptions for creating a session
 CsourceA point of origin for messages
 Csource_optionsOptions for creating a source node for a sender or receiver
 CsslSSL information
 Cssl_certificateUnsettled API - An SSL certificate
 Cssl_client_optionsUnsettled API - SSL configuration for outbound connections
 Cssl_server_optionsUnsettled API - SSL configuration for inbound connections
 CsymbolA string that represents the AMQP symbol type
 CtargetA destination for messages
 Ctarget_optionsOptions for creating a target node for a sender or receiver
 CterminusOne end of a link, either a source or a target
 Ctimeout_errorAn operation timed out
 CtimestampA 64-bit timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch
 CtrackerA tracker for a sent message
 CtransferThe base class for delivery and tracker
 CtransportA network channel supporting an AMQP connection
 CurlDeprecated - Use a third-party URL library
 Curl_errorDeprecated - Use a third-party URL library
 CuuidA 16-byte universally unique identifier
 CvalueA holder for any AMQP value, simple or complex
 Cwork_queueUnsettled API - A context for thread-safe execution of work