Class ClientDeliveryStateException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClientDeliveryStateException
    extends ClientIllegalStateException
    Thrown from client API that deal with a Delivery or Tracker where the outcome that results from that API can affect whether the API call succeeded or failed. Such a case might be that a sent message is awaiting a remote Accepted outcome but instead the remote sends a Rejected outcome.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientDeliveryStateException

        public ClientDeliveryStateException​(String message,
                                            DeliveryState outcome)
        Create a new instance of the client delivery state error.
        message - The message that describes the cause of the error.
        outcome - The DeliveryState that caused the error.
      • ClientDeliveryStateException

        public ClientDeliveryStateException​(String message,
                                            Throwable cause,
                                            DeliveryState outcome)
        Create a new instance of the client delivery state error.
        message - The message that describes the cause of the error.
        cause - The exception that initially triggered this error.
        outcome - The DeliveryState that caused the error.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutcome

        public DeliveryState getOutcome()
        the DeliveryState that defines the outcome returned from the remote peer.