Class TrackableThreadFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TrackableThreadFactory
    extends Object
    implements ThreadFactory
    Simple ThreadFactory object that tracks the last created thread if an AtomicReference is provided in order to hold onto the tracked Thread reference.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrackableThreadFactory

        public TrackableThreadFactory​(String threadName,
                                      boolean daemon)
        Creates a new Thread factory that will create threads with the given name and daemon state.
        threadName - the name that will be used for each thread created.
        daemon - should the created thread be a daemon thread.
      • TrackableThreadFactory

        public TrackableThreadFactory​(String threadName,
                                      boolean daemon,
                                      AtomicReference<Thread> threadTracker)
        Creates a new Thread factory that will create threads with the given name and daemon state. This constructor accepts an AtomicReference to track the Thread that was last created from this factory. This is most useful for a single threaded executor where the Id of the internal execution thread needs to be known for some reason.
        threadName - the name that will be used for each thread created.
        daemon - should the created thread be a daemon thread.
        threadTracker - AtomicReference that will be updated any time a new Thread is created.