Package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.engine.sasl.client

package org.apache.qpid.protonj2.engine.sasl.client
  • Class
    Base class for SASL Authentication Mechanism that implements the basic methods of a Mechanism class.
    Implements the Anonymous SASL authentication mechanism.
    Implements the SASL CRAM-MD5 authentication Mechanism.
    Implements the External SASL authentication mechanism.
    Interface for all SASL authentication mechanism implementations.
    Implements the SASL PLAIN authentication Mechanism.
    Handles SASL traffic from the proton engine and drives the authentication process
    Interface for a supplier of login credentials used by the SASL Authenticator to select and configure the client SASL mechanism.
    Enumeration of all SASL Mechanisms supported by the client, order should be from most secure to least secure.
    Client side mechanism used to select a matching mechanism from the server offered list of mechanisms.
    Implements the SASL Scram SHA1 authentication Mechanism.
    Implements the SASL Scram SHA 256 authentication Mechanism.
    Implements the SASL Scram SHA 256 authentication Mechanism.
    Implements the SASL XOAUTH2 authentication Mechanism .