ClientConnectionRedirectedException |
A ClientIOException type that defines that the remote peer has requested that this
connection be redirected to some alternative peer.
ClientConnectionRemotelyClosedException |
Exception thrown when the remote peer actively closes the Connection by sending
and AMQP Close frame or when the IO layer is disconnected due to some other
reason such as a security error or transient network error.
ClientConnectionSecurityException |
Connection level Security Exception used to indicate a security violation has occurred.
ClientConnectionSecuritySaslException |
Security Exception used to indicate a security violation has occurred.
ClientDeliveryAbortedException |
Thrown in cases where an action was requested that cannot be performed because
the delivery being operated on has been aborted by the remote sender.
ClientDeliveryIsPartialException |
Thrown in cases where an action was requested that cannot be performed because
the delivery being operated on is only the partial Transfer payload.
ClientDeliveryStateException |
Thrown from client API that deal with a Delivery or Tracker where the outcome
that results from that API can affect whether the API call succeeded or failed.
ClientException |
Represents a non-fatal exception that occurs from a Client Connection
or one of its resources.
ClientIdleTimeoutException |
Thrown when the Provider fails a connection due to idle timeout.
ClientIllegalStateException |
ClientIOException |
Exception type that is thrown when the provider has encountered an unrecoverable error.
ClientLinkRedirectedException |
ClientLinkRemotelyClosedException |
Root exception type for cases of remote closure or client created Sender or
Receiver .
ClientMessageFormatViolationException |
Exception thrown from Message instances when the body section specified
violates the configure message format of the message that is being created.
ClientOperationTimedOutException |
Indicates that an operation in the provider timed out waiting for completion
ClientResourceRemotelyClosedException |
Root exception type for cases of remote closure or client created resources other
than the Client Connection which will throw exceptions rooted from the
ClientConnectionRemotelyClosedException to indicate a fatal connection
level error that requires a new connection to be created.
ClientSendTimedOutException |
Thrown when a message send operation times out in the Provider layer.
ClientSessionRemotelyClosedException |
Root exception type for cases of remote closure or client created Session .
ClientTransactionDeclarationException |
Thrown when a transaction declaration fails or is rejected by the remote.
ClientTransactionInDoubtException |
Thrown when a transaction operation fails and state is now unknown.
ClientTransactionNotActiveException |
Thrown when a client attempt to commit or roll-back when no transaction has been declared.
ClientTransactionRolledBackException |
Thrown when a message send operation times out in the Provider layer.
ClientUnsupportedOperationException |
Thrown when an action request is not supported through this provider.