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Use apt-get to install Qpid and its dependencies.

To install the C++ and Python Messaging APIs:

% apt-get install libqpidmessaging2-dev
% apt-get install python-qpid

To install the C++ broker and tools::

% apt-get install qpidd qpid-tools


Use yum or dnf to install Qpid and its dependencies.

To install the C and Python Proton APIs:

% yum install qpid-proton-c-devel
% yum install python-qpid-proton

To install the C++ and Python Messaging APIs:

% yum install qpid-cpp-client-devel
% yum install python-qpid

To install Dispatch router and tools:

% yum install qpid-dispatch-router qpid-dispatch-tools

To install the C++ broker and tools:

% yum install qpid-cpp-server qpid-tools


Packages for RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 are available from the Fedora EPEL repositories. Install the EPEL release RPM to add the repository to your system.

% rpm -i

Once installed, you can use the Fedora instructions above to install the packages.