Package qpid :: Package messaging :: Module endpoints :: Class Session
[frames] | no frames]

type Session

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Sessions provide a linear context for sending and receiving Messages. Messages are sent and received using the Sender.send and Receiver.fetch methods of the Sender and Receiver objects associated with a Session.

Each Sender and Receiver is created by supplying either a target or source address to the sender and receiver methods of the Session. The address is supplied via a string syntax documented below.


An address identifies a source or target for messages. In its simplest form this is just a name. In general a target address may also be used as a source address, however not all source addresses may be used as a target, e.g. a source might additionally have some filtering criteria that would not be present in a target.

A subject may optionally be specified along with the name. When an address is used as a target, any subject specified in the address is used as the default subject of outgoing messages for that target. When an address is used as a source, any subject specified in the address is pattern matched against the subject of available messages as a filter for incoming messages from that source.

The options map contains additional information about the address including:

Mapping to AMQP 0-10

The name is resolved to either an exchange or a queue by querying the broker.

The subject is set as a property on the message. Additionally, if the name refers to an exchange, the routing key is set to the subject.


The following regular expressions define the tokens used to parse addresses:

 COLON:  :
 SEMI:   ;
 SLASH:  /
 COMMA:  ,
 NUMBER: [+-]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+
 ID:     [a-zA-Z_](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_])?
 STRING: "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*'
 ESC:    \\[^ux]|\\x[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]
 SYM:    [.#*%@$^!+-]
 WSPACE: [ \n\r\t]+

The formal grammar for addresses is given below:

 address = name [ "/" subject ] [ ";" options ]
    name = ( part | quoted )+
 subject = ( part | quoted | "/" )*
  quoted = STRING / ESC
 options = map
     map = "{" ( keyval ( "," keyval )* )? "}"
  keyval = ID ":" value
   value = NUMBER / STRING / ID / map / list
    list = "[" ( value ( "," value )* )? "]"

This grammar resuls in the following informal syntax:

 <name> [ / <subject> ] [ ; <options> ]

Where options is:

 { <key> : <value>, ... }

And values may be:


The options map permits the following parameters:

 <name> [ / <subject> ] ; {
   create: always | sender | receiver | never,
   delete: always | sender | receiver | never,
   assert: always | sender | receiver | never,
   mode: browse | consume,
   node: {
     type: queue | topic,
     durable: True | False,
     x-declare: { ... <declare-overrides> ... },
     x-bindings: [<binding_1>, ... <binding_n>]
   link: {
     name: <link-name>,
     durable: True | False,
     reliability: unreliable | at-most-once | at-least-once | exactly-once,
     x-declare: { ... <declare-overrides> ... },
     x-bindings: [<binding_1>, ... <binding_n>],
     x-subscribe: { ... <subscribe-overrides> ... }

Bindings are specified as a map with the following options:

   exchange: <exchange>,
   queue: <queue>,
   key: <key>,
   arguments: <arguments>

The create, delete, and assert policies specify who should perfom the associated action:

The node-type is one of:

The x-declare map permits protocol specific keys and values to be specified when exchanges or queues are declared. These keys and values are passed through when creating a node or asserting facts about an existing node.


A simple name resolves to any named node, usually a queue or a topic:


A simple name with a subject will also resolve to a node, but the presence of the subject will cause a sender using this address to set the subject on outgoing messages, and receivers to filter based on the subject:


A subject pattern can be used and will cause filtering if used by the receiver. If used for a sender, the literal value gets set as the subject:


In all the above cases, the address is resolved to an existing node. If you want the node to be auto-created, then you can do the following. By default nonexistent nodes are assumed to be queues:

 my-queue; {create: always}

You can customize the properties of the queue:

 my-queue; {create: always, node: {durable: True}}

You can create a topic instead if you want:

 my-queue; {create: always, node: {type: topic}}

You can assert that the address resolves to a node with particular properties:

 my-transient-topic; {
   assert: always,
   node: {
     type: topic,
     durable: False
Instance Methods
__init__(self, connection, name, transactional) source code
__repr__(self) source code
check_error(self) source code
get_error(self) source code
check_closed(self) source code
sender(self, target, **options)
Creates a Sender that may be used to send Messages to the specified target.
source code
receiver(self, source, **options)
Creates a receiver that may be used to fetch Messages from the specified source.
source code
set_message_received_notify_handler(self, handler)
Register a callable that will be invoked when a Message arrives on the Session.
source code
set_message_received_handler(self, handler) source code
next_receiver(self, timeout=None) source code
acknowledge(self, message=None, disposition=None, sync=True)
Acknowledge the given Message.
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commit(self, timeout=None)
Commit outstanding transactional work.
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rollback(self, timeout=None)
Rollback outstanding transactional work.
source code
sync(self, timeout=None)
Sync the session.
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close(self, timeout=None)
Close the session.
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Inherited from Endpoint: set_async_exception_notify_handler

Method Details

__init__(self, connection, name, transactional)

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Overrides: Endpoint.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

sender(self, target, **options)

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Creates a Sender that may be used to send Messages to the specified target.

  • target (str) - the target to which messages will be sent
Returns: Sender
a new Sender for the specified target
  • @synchronized

receiver(self, source, **options)

source code 

Creates a receiver that may be used to fetch Messages from the specified source.

Returns: Receiver
a new Receiver for the specified source
  • @synchronized

set_message_received_notify_handler(self, handler)

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Register a callable that will be invoked when a Message arrives on the Session.

  • handler (a callable object taking a Session instance as its only argument) - invoked by the driver thread when an error occurs.
  • @synchronized

Note: When using this method it is recommended to also register asynchronous error callbacks on all endpoint objects. Doing so will cause the application to be notified if an error is raised by the driver thread. This is necessary as after a driver error occurs the message received callback may never be invoked again. See Endpoint.set_async_exception_notify_handler

Warning: Use with caution This callback is invoked in the context of the driver thread. It is NOT safe to call ANY of the public messaging APIs from within this callback, including any of the passed Session's methods. The intent of the handler is to provide an efficient way to notify the application that a message has arrived. This can be useful for those applications that need to schedule a task to poll for received messages without blocking in the messaging API. The scheduled task may then retrieve the message using next_receiver and Receiver.fetch

set_message_received_handler(self, handler)

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  • @synchronized

Deprecated: Use set_message_received_notify_handler instead.

next_receiver(self, timeout=None)

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  • @synchronized

acknowledge(self, message=None, disposition=None, sync=True)

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Acknowledge the given Message. If message is None, then all unacknowledged messages on the session are acknowledged.

  • message (Message) - the message to acknowledge or None
  • sync (boolean) - if true then block until the message(s) are acknowledged
  • @synchronized

commit(self, timeout=None)

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Commit outstanding transactional work. This consists of all message sends and receives since the prior commit or rollback.

  • @synchronized

rollback(self, timeout=None)

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Rollback outstanding transactional work. This consists of all message sends and receives since the prior commit or rollback.

  • @synchronized

sync(self, timeout=None)

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Sync the session.

  • @synchronized

close(self, timeout=None)

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Close the session.

  • @synchronized