Sometimes it is useful to be able to group messages transfers - sent and/or received - on a session into atomic grouping. This can be done be creating the session as transactional. On a transactional session sent messages only become available at the target address on commit. Likewise any received and acknowledged messages are only discarded at their source on commit [8] .
Example 1.13. Transactions
Connection connection(broker); Session session = connection.createTransactionalSession(); ... if (smellsOk()) session.commit(); else session.rollback();
.NET C#:
Connection connection = new Connection(broker); Session session = connection.CreateTransactionalSession(); ... if (smellsOk()) session.Commit(); else session.Rollback();
[8] Note that this currently is only true for messages received using a reliable mode e.g. at-least-once. Messages sent by a broker to a receiver in unreliable receiver will be discarded immediately regardless of transctionality.
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