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#include <proton/message.hpp>
#include <proton/types.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    try {
        proton::message m;

        // Setting properties: legal types are converted automatically to their
        // AMQP counterpart."short", int16_t(123));"string", "foo");"symbol", proton::symbol("sym"));

        // Examining properties using proton::get()

        // 1 argument get<>() template specifies expected type of property.
        std::string s = proton::get<std::string>("string"));

        // 2 argument get, property must have matching type to output argument.
        int16_t i;
        proton::get("short"), i);

        // Checking property types
        proton::type_id type ="symbol").type();
        if (type != proton::SYMBOL) {
            throw std::logic_error("wrong type!");

        // proton::scalar has its own ostream <<
        std::cout << "using put/get:"
                  << " short=" << i
                  << " string=" << s
                  << " symbol=" <<"symbol")
                  << std::endl;

        // Converting properties to a convertible type
        std::cout << "using coerce:"
                  << " short(as long)="
                  << proton::coerce<long>("short"))
                  << std::endl;

        // Extract the properties as a std::map for more complex map operations.
        // You can use other map and sequence types to hold a map, see @ref types_page
        typedef std::map<std::string, proton::scalar> property_map;
        property_map props;
        proton::get(, props);
        for (property_map::iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i) {
            std::cout << "props[" << i->first << "]=" << i->second << std::endl;
        props["string"] = "bar";
        props["short"] = 42;
        // Update the properties in the message from the modified props map = props;

        std::cout << "short=" <<"short")
                  << " string=" <<"string")
                  << std::endl;

        // proton::get throws an exception if types do not match exactly.
        try {
            proton::get<uint32_t>("short")); // bad: uint32_t != int16_t
            throw std::logic_error("expected exception");
        } catch (const proton::conversion_error& e) {
            std::cout << "expected conversion_error: \"" << e.what() << '"' << std::endl;

        // proton::coerce throws an exception if types are not convertible.
        try {
            proton::get<uint32_t>("string"));  // bad: string to uint32_t
            throw std::logic_error("expected exception");
        } catch (const proton::conversion_error& e) {
            std::cout << "expected conversion_error: \"" << e.what() << '"' << std::endl;

        return 0;
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "unexpected exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;

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