Class ClientOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ClientOptions
    extends Object
    implements Cloneable
    Container Options for customizing the behavior of the Container
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientOptions

        public ClientOptions()
        Create a new ClientOptions instance with defaults set for all options.
      • ClientOptions

        public ClientOptions​(ClientOptions options)
        Create a new ClientOptions instance that copies the configuration from the specified source options.
        options - The ClientOptions instance whose settings are to be copied into this one.
    • Method Detail

      • id

        public String id()
        the ID configured the Container
      • id

        public ClientOptions id​(String id)
        Sets the container ID that should be used when creating Connections
        id - The container Id that should be assigned to container connections.
        this options class for chaining.
      • futureType

        public String futureType()
        the configure future type to use for this client connection
      • futureType

        public ClientOptions futureType​(String futureType)
        Sets the desired future type that the client connection should use when creating the futures used by the API. By default the client will select a Future implementation by itself however the user can override this selection here if desired.
        futureType - The name of the future type to use.
        this options object for chaining.