Class ClientErrorCondition

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClientErrorCondition

        public ClientErrorCondition​(ErrorCondition condition)
        Create a new ClientErrorCondition that is a copy of the provided instance.
        condition - The ErrorCondition whose information should be copied to the new value.
      • ClientErrorCondition

        public ClientErrorCondition​(String condition,
                                    String description,
                                    Map<String,​Object> info)
        Create a new ClientErrorCondition instance with the given error information
        condition - The condition value that defines the error type.
        description - A meaningful description of the error.
        info - Any additional information that must accompany the error.
    • Method Detail

      • condition

        public String condition()
        Specified by:
        condition in interface ErrorCondition
        a value that indicates the type of error condition.
      • description

        public String description()
        Description copied from interface: ErrorCondition
        Descriptive text that supplies any supplementary details not indicated by the condition value..
        Specified by:
        description in interface ErrorCondition
        supplementary details not indicated by the condition value..