Class IncomingAMQPEnvelope

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IncomingAMQPEnvelope extends PerformativeEnvelope<Performative>
Frame object that carries an AMQP Performative
  • Field Details


      public static final byte AMQP_FRAME_TYPE
      The AMQP Frame type marker value used when processing incoming frames.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • release

      public final void release()
      Used to release a Frame that was taken from a Frame pool in order to make it available for the next input operations. Once called the contents of the Frame are invalid and cannot be used again inside the same context.
    • invoke

      public <E> void invoke(Performative.PerformativeHandler<E> handler, E context)
      Invoke the correct PerformativeHandler event based on the body of this IncomingAMQPEnvelope
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type that the Performative handler expects for the context value.
      handler - The handler that should be used to process the current body value.
      context - The context that should be passed along for the current event.