Interface AsyncResult<V>

Type Parameters:
V - Type used to complete the future.
All Known Implementing Classes:
BalancedClientFuture, ClientFuture, ConservativeClientFuture, NoOpAsyncResult, ProgressiveClientFuture

public interface AsyncResult<V>
Defines a result interface for Asynchronous operations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    complete(V result)
    If the operation succeeds the resulting value produced is set to null and the waiting parties are signaled.
    If the operation fails this method is invoked with the Exception that caused the failure.
    Returns true if the AsyncResult has completed.
  • Method Details

    • failed

      void failed(ClientException result)
      If the operation fails this method is invoked with the Exception that caused the failure.
      result - The error that resulted in this asynchronous operation failing.
    • complete

      void complete(V result)
      If the operation succeeds the resulting value produced is set to null and the waiting parties are signaled.
      result - the object that completes the future.
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
      Returns true if the AsyncResult has completed. The task is considered complete regardless if it succeeded or failed.
      returns true if the asynchronous operation has completed.