Class ProtonLoggerFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:
NoOpProtonLoggerFactory, Slf4JLoggerFactory

public abstract class ProtonLoggerFactory extends Object
Factory used to create Proton Logger abstractions
  • Constructor Details

    • ProtonLoggerFactory

      public ProtonLoggerFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getLoggerFactory

      public static ProtonLoggerFactory getLoggerFactory()
      Returns a ProtonLoggerFactory instance.

      The factory returned depends on the configuration and available logger implementations at the time this method is called. If a custom ProtonLoggerFactory is configured than that instance is returned, otherwise this class will attempt to find a factory for the slf4j logger library.

      a ProtonLoggerFactory that will be used by this library.
    • setLoggerFactory

      public static void setLoggerFactory(ProtonLoggerFactory factory)
      Configure Proton with a custom ProtonLoggerFactory implementation which will be used by the Proton classes when logging library events.
      factory - The ProtonLoggerFactory to use when loggers are requested.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the factory given is null.
    • getLogger

      public static ProtonLogger getLogger(Class<?> clazz)
      Logger lookup based on the Class that will host the logger instance.
      clazz - The Class that will host the logger instance being requested.
      a ProtonLogger that is tied to the given Class instance.
    • getLogger

      public static ProtonLogger getLogger(String name)
      Logger lookup based on the given logger name that will host the logger instance.
      name - The given name that will host the logger instance being requested.
      a ProtonLogger that is tied to the given logger name.
    • createLoggerWrapper

      protected abstract ProtonLogger createLoggerWrapper(String name)