Interface IOContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
Netty4IOContext, Netty5IOContext

public interface IOContext
An I/O context used to abstract the implementation of the IO layer in use.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static IOContext
    create(TransportOptions options, SslOptions sslOptions, String ioThreadName)
    Create an IOContext from the available options.
    Shutdown the event loop synchronously with a grace period for work that might be in-bound at the time of termination.
    Shutdown the event loop asynchronously with a grace period for work that might be in-bound at the time of termination.
  • Method Details

    • shutdown

      void shutdown()
      Shutdown the event loop synchronously with a grace period for work that might be in-bound at the time of termination. This is not safe to call from inside the event loop as it blocks until the shutdown has completed.
    • shutdownAsync

      void shutdownAsync()
      Shutdown the event loop asynchronously with a grace period for work that might be in-bound at the time of termination. This is safe to call from inside the event loop where the standard blocking shutdown API is not.
    • ioScheduler

      Scheduler ioScheduler()
      the single threaded IO work scheduler for this IOContext
    • newTransport

      Transport newTransport()
      a new Transport instance that is tied to this IOContext
    • create

      static IOContext create(TransportOptions options, SslOptions sslOptions, String ioThreadName)
      Create an IOContext from the available options.
      options - The TransportOptions that configure the IO Transport the context creates.
      sslOptions - The SslOptions that configure the SSL layer of the IO Transport the context creates.
      ioThreadName - The name to given the single IO Thread the context must provide.
      a new IOContext from available options.