import sys
from qpid.messaging import *
broker = "localhost:5672"
connection = Connection(broker)
session = connection.session()
# Set up the receiver
query = """
let $w := ./weather
return $w/station = 'Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU)'
and $w/temperature_f > 50
and $w/temperature_f - $w/dewpoint > 5
and $w/wind_speed_mph > 7
and $w/wind_speed_mph < 20 """
# query="./weather"
address = """
xml; {
create: always,
node:{ type: queue },
link: {
x-bindings: [{ exchange: xml, key: weather, arguments: { xquery: %r} }]
""" % query
receiver = session.receiver(address)
# Send an observation
observations = """
<station>Raleigh-Durham International Airport (KRDU)</station>
</weather> """
message = Message(subject="weather", content=observations)
sender = session.sender("xml")
# Retrieve matching message from the receiver and print it
message = receiver.fetch(timeout=1)
print message.content
except MessagingError,m:
print m
Apache Qpid, Messaging built on AMQP; Copyright © 2015 The Apache Software Foundation; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; Apache Qpid, Qpid, Qpid Proton, Proton, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Qpid project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation; All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners