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Qpid Python 1.37.0 Release Notes

Qpid Python includes an AMQP messaging library and a suite of tests for AMQP conformance.

For more information about this release, including download links and documentation, see the release overview.

NOTE: Look to Qpid Proton for Python 3 and AMQP 1.0 support.

Bugs fixed

  • QPID-2524 - Fails loading dtd in Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) with "ValueError: unknown url type: /.../specs/amqp.0-10.dtd"
  • QPID-7809 - Python 0-10 messaging driver does not handle heartbeat timeouts, "assert rcv.received < rcv.impending" occurs
  • QPID-7833 - Batch file for Windows is missing from source distribution
  • QPID-7884 - Python client should not raise exception on close() after stop.