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Chapter 2. Configuring the Client

2.1. Overview

This chapter covers various configuration details for the Apache Qpid JMS Client for AMQP 0-10, from the basics of setting up the client using JNDI in Section 2.2, “JNDI Properties”, to the various configuration options avilable to customize it's behaviour at different levels of granualarity, e.g:

  • Connection level using Connection/Broker properties : Affects the respective connection and sessions, consumers and produces created by that connection.

    Ex. amqp://guest:guest@test/test?maxprefetch='1000' &brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672' property specifies the message credits to use. This overrides any value specified via the JVM argument max_prefetch.

    Please refer to the Section 2.2.2, “Connection URLs” section for a complete list of all properties and how to use them.

  • JVM level using JVM arguments : Configuration that affects all connections, sessions, consumers and producers created within that JVM.

    Ex. -Dmax_prefetch=1000 property specifies the message credits to use.

    Please refer to the Section 2.3, “JVM Properties” section for a complete list of all properties and how to use them.

  • Destination level using Addressing options : Affects the producer(s) and consumer(s) created using the respective destination.

    Ex. my-queue; {create: always, link:{capacity: 10}}, where capacity option specifies the message credits to use. This overrides any connection level configuration.

    Please refer to the Section 2.4, “Addresses” section for a complete understanding of addressing and it's various options.

Some of these config options are available at all three levels, while others are available only at JVM or connection level.