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Chapter 12. Docker Images

12.1. Building Container Image

To use an official Apache release in your image run the following command from the qpid-docker directory where <QPID_RELEASE_VERSION> is the release version you wish to use (e.g. 9.1.0):

                cd qpid-docker

       --release <QPID_RELEASE_VERSION>

This will download the Qpid Broker-J release and copy all the files necessary to build the pre-configured Docker image and provide you with additional instructions. Follow these instructions to finish building the image you want based on the provided Docker file or even one of your own.

If you would rather prefer to build the docker image from local Broker-J distribution, build the parent project using the command

                mvn clean install -DskipTests=true

Navigate to the module 'qpid-docker':

                cd qpid-docker

Execute the command:

       --local-dist-path <PATH_TO_LOCAL_QPID_DISTRIBUTION>

This will copy all the files necessary to build the pre-configured Docker image and provide you with additional instructions. Follow these instructions to finish building the image you want based on one of the provided Docker file or even one of your own.