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Appendix C. Operational Logging

The Broker will, by default, produce structured log messages in response to key events in the lives of objects within the Broker. These concise messages are designed to allow the user to understand the actions of the Broker in retrospect. This is valuable for problem diagnosis and provides a useful audit trail.

Each log message includes details of the entity causing the action (e.g. a management user or messaging client connection), the entity receiving the action (e.g. a queue or connection) and a description of operation itself.

The log messages have the following format:

    [Actor] {[Subject]} [Message Id] [Message Text]


  • Actor is the entity within the Broker that is performing the action. There are actors corresponding to the Broker itself, Management, Connection, and Channels. Their format is described in the table below.

  • Subject (optional) is the entity within the Broker that is receiving the action. There are subjects corresponding to the Connections, Channels, Queues, Exchanges, Subscriptions, and Message Stores. Their format is described in the table below.

    Some actions are reflexive, in these cases the Actor and Subject will be equal.

  • Message Id is an identifier for the type of message. It has the form three alphas and four digits separated by a hyphen AAA-9999.

  • Message Text is a textual description

To illustrate, let's look at two examples.

CON-1001 is used when a messages client makes an AMQP connection. The connection actor (con) provides us with details of the peer's connection: the user id used by the client (myapp1), their IP, ephemeral port number and the name of the virtual host. The message text itself gives us further details about the connection: the client id, the protocol version in used, and details of the client's qpid library.

[con:8(myapp1@/] CON-1001 : Open : Destination : AMQP( : Protocol Version : 0-10 : Client ID : myapp1 : Client Version : 9.2.1 : Client Product : qpid

QUE-1001 is used when a queue is created. The connection actor con tells us details of the connection performing the queue creation: the user id used by the client (myapp1), the IP, ephemeral port number and the name of the virtual host. The queue subject tells use the queue's name (myqueue) and the virtualhost. The message itself tells us more information about the queue that is being created.

[con:8(myapp1@/] [vh(/default)/qu(myqueue)] QUE-1001 : Create : Owner: myapp1 Transient

The first two tables that follow describe the actor and subject entities, then the later provide a complete catalogue of all supported messages.

Table C.1. Actors Entities

Actor TypeFormat and Purpose

Used during startup and shutdown

Management [mng:userid(clientip:ephemeralport)]

Used for operations performed by the Web Management interfaces.

Connection [con:connectionnumber(userid@/clientip:ephemeralport/virtualhostname)]

Used for operations performed by a client connection. Note that connections are numbered by a sequence number that begins at 1.

Channel [con:connectionnumber(userid@/clientip:ephemeralport/virtualhostname/ch:channelnumber)]

Used for operations performed by a client's channel (corresponds to the JMS concept of Session). Note that channels are numbered by a sequence number that is scoped by the owning connection.

Group [grp(/groupname)/vhn(/virtualhostnode name)]

Used for HA. Used for operations performed by the system itself often as a result of actions performed on another node..

Table C.2. Subject Entities

Subject TypeFormat and Purpose
Connection [con:connectionnumber(userid@/clientip:ephemeralport/virtualhostname)]

A connection to the Broker.

Channel [con:connectionnumber(userid@/clientip:ephemeralport/virtualhostname/ch:channelnumber)]

A client's channel within a connection.

Subscription [sub:subscriptionnumber(vh(/virtualhostname)/qu(queuename)]

A subscription to a queue. This corresponds to the JMS concept of a Consumer.


A queue on a virtualhost


An exchange on a virtualhost

Binding [vh(/virtualhostname)/ex(exchangetype/exchangename)/qu(queuename)/rk(bindingkey)]

A binding between a queue and exchange with the giving binding key.

Message Store [vh(/virtualhostname)/ms(messagestorename)]

A virtualhost/message store on the Broker.

HA Group [grp(/group name)]

A HA group

The following tables lists all the operation log messages that can be produced by the Broker, and the describes the circumstances under which each may be seen.

Table C.3. Broker Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
BRK-1001Startup : Version: version Build: build

Indicates that the Broker is starting up

BRK-1002Starting : Listening on transporttype port portnumber

Indicates that the Broker has begun listening on a port.

BRK-1003Shutting down : transporttype port portnumber

Indicates that the Broker has stopped listening on a port.

BRK-1004Qpid Broker Ready

Indicates that the Broker is ready for normal operations.


Indicates that the Broker is stopped.

BRK-1006Using configuration : file

Indicates the name of the configuration store in use by the Broker.

BRK-1008delivered|received : size kB/s peak : size bytes total

Statistic - bytes delivered or received by the Broker.

BRK-1009delivered|received : size msg/s peak : size msgs total

Statistic - messages delivered or received by the Broker.

BRK-1010Platform : JVM : vendor version: version OS : operating system vendor version: operating system version} arch: processor architecture cores: number of CPU cores

Key information about the environment hosting the Broker

BRK-1011Maximum Memory : Heap : size bytes Direct : bytes size

Configured memory paramters for the Broker.

BRK-1012Management Mode : User Details : management node user id / management mode password

Used when Broker is started in management mode to indicate the management credentials that may be used connect to the Broker.

BRK-1016Fatal error : root cause : See log file for more information

Indicates that broker was shut down due to fatal error.

BRK-1017Process : PID process identifier

Process identifier (PID) of the Broker process.

BRK-1018Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.4. Management Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
MNG-1001type Management Startup

Indicates that a Management plugin is starting up. Supported by Web management plugin.

MNG-1002Starting : type : Listening on transporttype port port

Indicates that a Management plugin is listening on the given port.

MNG-1003Shutting down : type : port port

Indicates that a Management plugin is ceasing to listen on the given port.

MNG-1004type Management Ready

Indicates that a Management plugin is ready for work.

MNG-1005type Management Stopped

Indicates that a Management plugin is stopped.

MNG-1007Open : User username

Indicates the opening of a connection to Management has by the given username.

MNG-1008Close : User username

Indicates the closing of a connection to Management has by the given username.

Table C.5. Virtual Host Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
VHT-1001Created : virtualhostname

Indicates that a virtualhost has been created.


Indicates that a virtualhost has been closed. This occurs on Broker shutdown.

VHT-1005Unexpected fatal error

Virtualhost has suffered an unexpected fatal error, check the logs for more details.

VHT-1006Filesystem is over size in % per cent full, enforcing flow control.

Indicates that virtual host flow control is activated when the usage of file system containing Virtualhost message store exceeded predefined limit.

VHT-1007Filesystem is no longer over size in % per cent full.

Indicates that virtual host flow control is deactivated when the usage of file system containing Virtualhost message falls under predefined limit.

VHT-1008Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.6. Queue Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
QUE-1001Create : Owner: owner AutoDelete [Durable] Transient Priority: numberofpriorities

Indicates that a queue has been created.


Indicates that a queue has been deleted.

QUE-1003 Overfull : Size : size in bytes, Capacity : resumesize in bytes, Messages : size in messages, Message Capacity : resumesize in messages

Indicates that a queue has exceeded its permitted capacity when Producer Flow Control overflow policy is used. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for details.

QUE-1004 Underfull : Size : size in bytes, Capacity : resumesize in bytes, Messages : size in messages, Message Capacity : resumesize in messages

Indicates that a queue has fallen to its resume capacity when Producer Flow Control overflow policy is used. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for details.

QUE-1005 Dropped : number messages, Depth : size bytes, size messages, Capacity : limit bytes, limit messages

Indicates that a given number of messages is deleted when Ring overflow policy is used and any of queue capacity limits is breached . See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for details.

QUE-1016Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.7. Exchange Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
EXH-1001Create : [Durable] Type: type Name: exchange name

Indicates that an exchange has been created.


Indicates that an exchange has been deleted.

EXH-1003Discarded Message : Name: exchange name Routing Key: routing key

Indicates that an exchange received a message that could not be routed to at least one queue. queue has exceeded its permitted capacity. See Section 4.6.4, “Unrouteable Messages” for details.

EXH-1004Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.8. Binding Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
BND-1001Create : Arguments : arguments

Indicates that a binding has been made between an exchange and a queue.


Indicates that a binding has been deleted

Table C.9. Connection Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
CON-1001Open : Destination : target port : Protocol Version : protocol version : Client ID : clientid : Client Version : client version : Client Product : client product

Indicates that a connection has been opened. The Broker logs one of these message each time it learns more about the client as the connection is negotiated.


Indicates that a connection has been closed. This message is logged regardless of if the connection is closed normally, or if the connection is somehow lost e.g network error.

CON-1003Closed due to inactivity

Used when heart beating is in-use. Indicates that the connection has not received a heartbeat for too long and is therefore closed as being inactive.

CON-1004Connection dropped

Indicates that a connection has been unexpectedly closed by the peer. This usually occurs if a machine hosting an application fails or the application's process is abruptly terminated.

CON-1005Client version version logged by validation

Indicates that a connection has been received from client with a version number that is configured to be logged. This feature may help teams manage software currency.

CON-1006Client version version rejected by validation

Indicates that a connection attempt has been received from client with a version number that is configured to be rejected. This feature may help manage software currency.

CON-1007Connection close initiated by operator

Indicates that a connection has been closed by the actions of an Operator using manangement.

CON-1009Uncommitted transaction(s) contains size bytes of incoming message data exceeding size bytes limit. Messages will be flowed to disk.

Warns that the transactions associated with this connection contain so much uncommitted data that a threshold has been breached. The connection responds by flowing the messages already associated with the transactions and any new messages to disk. The connection reverts to normal behaviour once the quantity of uncommitted data falls beneath the threshold. Normally this happens when the transactions commit or rollback.

CON-1010Open Transaction : time ms

Indicates that a messaging transaction has been open for longer than that permitted. See Section 9.3, “Transaction Timeout” for more details.

CON-1011Idle Transaction : time ms

Indicates that a messaging transaction has been idle for longer than that permitted. See Section 9.3, “Transaction Timeout” for more details.

Table C.10. Channel Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Indicates that a channel (corresponds to the JMS concept of Session) has been created.

CHN-1002Flow Started

Indicates message flow to a session has begun.


Indicates that a channel has been closed.

CHN-1004Prefetch Size (bytes) size : Count number of messages

Indicates the prefetch size in use by a channel.

CHN-1005Flow Control Enforced (Queue queue name)

Indicates that producer flow control has been imposed on a channel owning to excessive queue depth in the indicated queue. Produces using the channel will be requested to pause the sending of messages. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for more details.

CHN-1006Flow Control Removed

Indicates that producer flow control has been removed from a channel. See Section 4.7.5, “Controlling Queue Size” for more details.

CHN-1009Discarded message : message number as no alternate exchange configured for queue : queue name{1} routing key : routing key

Indicates that a channel has discarded a message as the maximum delivery count has been exceeded but the queue defines no alternate exchange. See Section 9.4.2, “Maximum Delivery Count” for more details. Note that message number is an internal message reference.

CHN-1010Discarded message : message number as no binding on alternate exchange : exchange name

Indicates that a channel has discarded a message as the maximum delivery count has been exceeded but the queue's alternate exchange has no binding to a queue. See Section 9.4.2, “Maximum Delivery Count” for more details. Note that message number is an internal message reference.

CHN-1011Message : message number moved to dead letter queue : queue name

Indicates that a channel has moved a message to the named dead letter queue

CHN-1012Flow Control Ignored. Channel will be closed.

Indicates that a channel violating the imposed flow control has been closed

CHN-1014Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.11. Subscription Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose
SUB-1001Create : [Durable] Arguments : arguments

Indicates that a subscription (corresponds to JMS concept of a MessageConsumer) has been created.


Indicates that a subscription has been closed.

SUB-1003SUB-1003 : Suspended for time ms

Indicates that a subscription has been in a suspened state for an unusual length of time. This may be indicative of an consuming application that has stopped taking messages from the consumer (i.e. a JMS application is not calling receive() or its asynchronous message listener onMessage() is blocked in application code). It may also indicate a generally overloaded system.

SUB-1004Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.12. Message Store Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Indicates that a message store has been created. The message store is responsible for the storage of the messages themselves, including the message body and any headers.

MST-1002Store location : path

Indicates that the message store is using path for the location of the message store.


Indicates that the message store has been closed.

MST-1004Recovery Start

Indicates that message recovery has begun.

MST-1005Recovered number of messages messages.

Indicates that recovery recovered the given number of messages from the store.

MST-1006Recovered Complete

Indicates that the message recovery is concluded.

MST-1007Store Passivated

The store is entering a passive state where is it unavailable for normal operations. Currently this message is used by HA when the node is in replica state.

MST-1008Store overfull, flow control will be enforced

The store has breached is maximum configured size. See Section 9.2.1, “Disk quota-based flow control” for details.

MST-1009Store overfull condition cleared

The store size has fallen beneath its resume capacity and therefore flow control has been rescinded. See Section 9.2.1, “Disk quota-based flow control” for details.

Table C.13. Transaction Store Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Indicates that a transaction store has been created. The transaction store is responsible for the storage of messages instances, that is, the presence of a message on a queue.

TXN-1002Store location : path

Indicates that the transaction store is using path for the location of the store.


Indicates that the transaction store has been closed.

TXN-1004Recovery Start

Indicates that transaction recovery has begun.

TXN-1005Recovered number messages for queue name.

Indicates that recovery recovered the given number of message instances for the given queue.

TXN-1006Recovered Complete

Indicates that the message recovery is concluded.

Table C.14. Configuration Store Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Indicates that a configuration store has been created. The configuration store is responsible for the storage of the definition of objects such as queues, exchanges, and bindings.

CFG-1002Store location : path

Indicates that the configuration store is using path for the location of the store.


Indicates that the configuration store has been closed.

CFG-1004Recovery Start

Indicates that configuration recovery has begun.

CFG-1005Recovered Complete

Indicates that the configuration recovery is concluded.

Table C.15. HA Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

This HA node has been created.


This HA node has been deleted

HA-1003Added : Node : 'name' (host:port)

A new node has been added to the group.

HA-1004Removed : Node : 'name' (host:port)

The node has been removed from the group. This removal is permanent.

HA-1005Joined : Node : 'name' (host:port)

The node has become reachable. This may be as a result of the node being restarted, or a network problem may have been resolved.

HA-1006Left : Node : 'name' (host:port)

The node is no longer reachable. This may be as a result of the node being stopped or a network partition may be preventing it from being connected. The node is still a member of the group.

HA-1007HA-1007 : Master transfer requested : to 'name' (host:port)

Indicates that a master transfer operation has been requested.

HA-1008HA-1008 : Intruder detected : Node 'name' (host:port)

Indicates that an unexpected node has joined the group. The virtualhost node will go into the ERROR state in response to the condition.

HA-1009HA-1009 : Insufficient replicas contactable

This node (which was in the master role) no longer has sufficient replica in contact in order to complete transactions.

HA-1010HA-1010 : Role change reported: Node : 'name' (host:port) : from role to role

Indicates that the node has changed role within the group.

HA-1011HA-1011 : Minimum group size : new group size

The quorum requirements from completing elections or transactions has been changed.

HA-1012HA-1012 : Priority : priority

The priority of the object node has been changed. Zero indicates that the node cannot be elected master.

HA-1013HA-1013 : Designated primary : true|false

This node has been designated primary and can now operate solo. Applies to two node groups only. See Section 10.4.5, “Allow to Operate Solo”

HA-1014HA-1014 : Diverged transactions discarded

This node is in the process of rejoining the group but has discovered that some of its transactions differ from those of the current master. The node will automatically roll-back (i.e. discard) the diverging transactions in order to be allowed to rejoin the group. This situation can only usually occur as a result of use of the weak durability options. These allow the group to operate with fewer than quorum nodes and therefore allow the inconsistencies to develop.

On encountering this condition, it is strongly recommendend to run an application level reconcilation to determine the data that has been lost.

Table C.16. Port Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Port has been created.


Port has been open


Port has been closed

PRT-1004Connection count number within warn limit % of maximum limit

Warns that number of open connections approaches maximum allowed limit

PRT-1005Connection from peer rejected. Maximum connection count (limit) for this port already reached.

Connection from given host is rejected because of reaching the maximum allowed limit

PRT-1007Unsupported protocol header received header bytes, replying with AMQP version

Ususualy indicates an attempt to make an non-AMQP connection on an AMQP port, for instance, with a web browser.

PRT-1008Connection from address rejected

Incoming connection is rejected because the port's connection limits are already reached.

PRT-1009FAILED to bind name service to port number

The given port number could not be bound because it is already in-use.

PRT-1010Operation : operation name

Indicates that the named operation has been invoked

Table C.17. Resource Limit Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

Connection has been accepted.


Connection has been rejected.


An informational message regarding connection limits.

Table C.18. User Log Messages

Message IdMessage Text / Purpose

User has been created.


User has been updated.


User has been deleted.