Table of Contents
The following table shows how Qpid Messaging API message
properties are mapped to AMQP 0-10 message properties and
delivery properties. In this table msg
refers to the Message class defined in the Qpid Messaging API,
refers to an AMQP 0-10
struct, and
refers to an AMQP 0-10
Table 3.1. JMS Mapping to AMQP 0-10 Message Properties
JMS Message Property | AMQP 0-10 Property[a] |
JMSMessageID | mp.message_id |
qpid.subject[b] | mp.application_headers["qpid.subject"] |
JMSXUserID | mp.user_id |
JMSReplyTo | mp.reply_to[c] |
JMSCorrelationID | mp.correlation_id |
JMSDeliveryMode | dp.delivery_mode |
JMSPriority | dp.priority |
JMSExpiration | dp.ttl[d] |
JMSRedelivered | dp.redelivered |
JMS Properties | mp.application_headers |
JMSType | mp.content_type |
[a] In these entries, [b] This is a custom JMS property, set automatically by the JMS client implementation. [c] The reply_to is converted from the protocol representation into an address. [d] JMSExpiration = dp.ttl + currentTime |
Apache Qpid, Messaging built on AMQP; Copyright © 2015 The Apache Software Foundation; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; Apache Qpid, Qpid, Qpid Proton, Proton, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Qpid project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation; All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners