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Apache.Qpid.Proton.Engine.Implementation.ProtonSessionIncomingWindow Class Referencesealed

Tracks the incoming window and provides management of that window in relation to receiver links. More...

Public Member Functions

 ProtonSessionIncomingWindow (ProtonSession session)


uint IncomingCapacity [get, set]
uint RemainingIncomingCapacity [get]
uint IncomingBytes [get]
uint NextIncomingId [get]
uint IncomingWindow [get]

Detailed Description

Tracks the incoming window and provides management of that window in relation to receiver links.

The incoming window decreases as Transfer frames arrive and is replenished when the user reads the bytes received in the accumulated payload of a delivery. The window is expanded by sending a Flow frame to the remote with an updated incoming window value at configured intervals based on reads from the pending deliveries.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: