interface | IProtonLink |
| This is a mark interface that can be used to identify and track vai collections proton link objects (sender, receiver, coordinator) where the normal objects cannot be tracked due to the mix of generic types used to differentiate the actual objects and provide specific interface implementations.
class | ProtonAttachments |
class | ProtonConnection |
| Implements the mechanics of managing a single AMQP connection associated with the provided engine instance. More...
class | ProtonConstants |
| Constant definitions for value used throughout the proton engine API.
class | ProtonDeliveryTagTypesExtensions |
class | ProtonEmptyTagGenerator |
| Creates instance of delivery tags that have an empty byte buffer body. More...
class | ProtonEndpoint |
| Base endpoint class that provides some of the most common endpoint implementations and some API for internal use when dealing with events. More...
class | ProtonEngine |
| Creates instance of delivery tags that have an empty byte buffer body. More...
class | ProtonEngineConfiguration |
| Implementation of engine configuration options along with Proton specific internal configuration and state update handling based on the current configuration and remote interactions. More...
class | ProtonEngineFactory |
class | ProtonEngineHandlerContext |
| A context object that is assigned to each new engine handler that is inserted into an engine handler pipeline. More...
class | ProtonEngineNoOpSaslDriver |
| A Default No-Op SASL context that is used to provide the engine with a stub when no SASL is configured for the operating engine. More...
class | ProtonEnginePipeline |
| Implements the pipeline of engine read and write handlers used by the proton engine to read and write AMQP performatives. More...
class | ProtonEnginePipelineProxy |
| Wrapper around the internal ProtonEnginePipeline used to present a guarded pipeline to the outside world when the Engine::pipeline method is used to gain access to the pipeline. The proxy will ensure that any read or write calls enforce Engine state such as not started and shutdown. More...
class | ProtonFrameDecodingHandler |
| Frame encoder for outgoing AMQP and SASL performatives and Headers. More...
class | ProtonFrameEncodingHandler |
| Frame encoder for outgoing AMQP and SASL performatives and Headers. More...
class | ProtonFrameLoggingHandler |
| Frame logger for outgoing AMQP and SASL performatives and Headers. More...
class | ProtonIncomingDelivery |
| Proton Incoming Delivery implementation that wraps all the details of managing the read of delivery payload and management of delivery state. More...
class | ProtonLink |
| Common base for Sender and Receiver links which provides services that both endpoints require that are the same between them. More...
class | ProtonLinkCreditState |
class | ProtonNumericDeliveryTag |
class | ProtonOutgoingDelivery |
| Outgoing delivery implementation that manges the state and payload writes for this delivery. More...
class | ProtonPerformativeHandler |
| Proton Engine handler that routes incoming and outgoing performatives. More...
class | ProtonPooledDeliveryTag |
class | ProtonPooledTagGenerator |
| A builtin proton delivery tag generator that creates tag values from an ever increasing sequence id value. More...
class | ProtonReceiver |
| Proton Receiver link implementation which manages the receipt of new deliveries and credit associated with the link. Delivery outcomes and settlement states can also be managed from the receiver link. More...
class | ProtonSender |
| Proton Sender link implementation which manages the state of the Sender end of an attached link and provides resources for sending deliveries and managing the state of sent deliveries. More...
class | ProtonSequentialTagGenerator |
| A builtin proton delivery tag generator that creates tag values from an ever increasing sequence id value. More...
class | ProtonSession |
| Implements the mechanics of managing a single AMQP session associated with the provided connection instance. More...
class | ProtonSessionIncomingWindow |
| Tracks the incoming window and provides management of that window in relation to receiver links. More...
class | ProtonSessionOutgoingWindow |
| Holds Session level credit window information for outgoing transfers from a Session. The window is constrained by the remote incoming capacity restrictions or if present outgoing restrictions on pending transfers. More...
class | ProtonTransaction |
| Base class for ITransaction types in the Proton engine which provides the basic API implementation that all transactions will expose. More...
class | ProtonTransactionController |
| Proton transaction controller abstraction that provides the transaction services for a Sender link that transmits the transaction Declare and Discharge commands which control the lifetime and outcome of a running transaction. More...
class | ProtonTransactionManager |
| Proton transaction manager abstraction that provides the transaction services for a Receiver link that handles the transaction Declare and Discharge commands which control the lifetime and outcome of a running transaction. More...
class | ProtonUuidDeliveryTag |
class | ProtonUuidTagGenerator |
| A builtin proton delivery tag generator that creates tag value backed by a generated Uuid (Guid) instance. More...
class | UnmodifiableLinkCreditState |
| An unmodifiable snapshot view of link credit state. More...