A Linked node version of the Splayed Dictionary that provides consisted enumeration of dictionary entries based on insertion order over natural or comparer based enumeration from the default splayed dictionary implementation.
| LinkedSplayedDictionary (IComparer< K > comparer) |
| LinkedSplayedDictionary (IDictionary< K, V > source) |
override void | CopyTo (KeyValuePair< K, V >[] array, int arrayIndex) |
override void | CopyTo (Array array, int arrayIndex) |
override void | Clear () |
override IEnumerator< KeyValuePair< K, V > > | GetEnumerator () |
| SplayedDictionary () |
| Create a new Splayed Dictionary instance that uses a default key comparer instance to provide relative ordering of keys within the mapping.
| SplayedDictionary (IComparer< K > comparer) |
| Create a new Splayed Dictionary instance that uses the give key comparer instance to provide relative ordering of keys within the mapping.
| SplayedDictionary (IDictionary< K, V > source) |
| Create a new Splayed Dictionary instance that uses the give key comparer instance to provide relative ordering of keys within the mapping.
void | Add (K key, V value) |
void | Add (KeyValuePair< K, V > item) |
void | Add (object key, object value) |
bool | Contains (object key) |
bool | Contains (KeyValuePair< K, V > item) |
bool | ContainsValue (V value) |
bool | ContainsKey (K key) |
void | Remove (object key) |
bool | Remove (K key) |
bool | RemoveValue (V target) |
| Removes the first entry from the dictionary that contains the specified value and returns true, if there is no entry with the given value this method returns false.
bool | Remove (KeyValuePair< K, V > item) |
bool | TryGetValue (K key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out V value) |
A Linked node version of the Splayed Dictionary that provides consisted enumeration of dictionary entries based on insertion order over natural or comparer based enumeration from the default splayed dictionary implementation.
- Template Parameters
T | The type contained in the Queue |