class | ArrayDeque |
| A resizable-array implementation of the IDeque interface which has no capacity restrictions. The backing array will grow as necessary to support usage. This collection is not thread-safe. Null elements are prohibited in this collection. More...
interface | IDeque |
| A linear collection type that supports element insertion and removal at both ends. This double ended queue type will most commonly be implemented with no underlying fixed capacity limit however the interface allows for restricted capacity versions to be implemented all the same. More...
class | LinkedSplayedDictionary |
| A Linked node version of the Splayed Dictionary that provides consisted enumeration of dictionary entries based on insertion order over natural or comparer based enumeration from the default splayed dictionary implementation. More...
class | RingQueue |
| Simple Ring Queue implementation that has an enforced max size value. More...
class | SplayedDictionary |
| A splay tree based dictionary implementation that provides fast access to recently visited entries and offered enumeration based on the natural ordering or comparer defined ordering of dictionary entries. More...
class | Statics |
| Static utility methods for validation and or interactions with various opaque object vales.
class | StringUtils |
| A collection of utility methods used for String types such as truncation and pretty print methods that provide consistent formats across proton implementations.