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Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer:
Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBufferAccessors Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonCompositeBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer

Public Member Functions

IProtonBuffer Fill (byte value)
 Fill the buffer with the given byte value. This method does not respect the read offset nor the write offset but instead fills the entire backing buffer memory with the given value.
IProtonBuffer EnsureWritable (long amount)
 Requests that the buffer ensure that there is enough allocated internal capacity such that the given number of bytes can be written without requiring additional allocations and that this amount does not exceed any total capacity restrictions for this buffer.
IProtonBuffer Reset ()
 Resets the read and write offset values to zero.
IProtonBuffer CopyInto (long srcPos, byte[] dest, long destPos, long length)
 Copies the given number of bytes from this buffer into the target byte buffer starting the read from the given position in this buffer and the write to at the given position in the destination buffer. The length parameter controls how many bytes are copied to the destination. This method does not modify the read or write offset values in this buffer.
IProtonBuffer CopyInto (long srcPos, IProtonBuffer dest, long destPos, long length)
 Copies the given number of bytes from this buffer into the target byte buffer starting the read from the given position in this buffer and the write to at the given position in the destination buffer. The length parameter controls how many bytes are copied to the destination. This method does not modify the read or write offset values in this buffer nor those of the destination buffer. The destination write index is an absolute index value unrelated to the write offset of the target.
IProtonBuffer Copy ()
 Returns a copy of this buffer's readable bytes. Modifying the content of the returned buffer will not affect this buffers contents. The two buffers will maintain separate offsets. The returned copy has the write offset set to the length of the copy meaning that the entire copied region is read for reading.
IProtonBuffer Copy (long index, long length)
 Returns a copy of this buffer's readable bytes. Modifying the content of the returned buffer will not affect this buffers contents. The two buffers will maintain separate offsets. The amount and start of the data to be copied is provided by the index and length arguments. The returned copy has the write offset set to the length of the copy meaning that the entire copied region is read for reading.
string ToString (Encoding encoding)
 Coverts the readable bytes in this buffer into a string value using the Encoding value provided. The underlying read and write offset values are not modified as a result of this operation.
IProtonBuffer SkipBytes (long amount)
 Advance the buffer read offset by the specified amount effectively skipping that number of bytes from being read.
IProtonBuffer WriteBytes (byte[] source)
 Writes the contents of the given byte array into this buffer and advances the write offset by the number of bytes written.
IProtonBuffer WriteBytes (byte[] source, long offset, long length)
 Writes the contents of the given byte array into this buffer and advances the write offset by the number of bytes written.
IProtonBuffer WriteBytes (IProtonBuffer source)
 Transfers the bytes from the source buffer to this buffer starting at the current write offset and continues until the source buffer becomes unreadable. The write index of this buffer is increased by the number of bytes read from the source. The method also increases the read offset of the source by the same amount as was written.
IProtonBuffer Compact ()
 Discards the read bytes, and moves the buffer contents to the beginning of the buffer.
IProtonBuffer Reclaim ()
 Reclaims read buffer space and returns it to the operating system or other pooling mechanisms if those are in place, then compacts the remaining buffer contents. For a non-composite buffer this operation could consist of allocating a smaller buffer to house any remaining unread bytes and freeing the larger backing buffer in some cases or it may result in a no-op depending on the buffer implementation. For the composite buffer case this operation provides an API which allows for fully read buffer constituents to be released and returned to a memory pool or back to the O/S.
IProtonBuffer ReadSplit (long offset)
 Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index plus the current read offset. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set beyond the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.
IProtonBuffer WriteSplit (long offset)
 Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index plus the current write offset. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set to the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.
IProtonBuffer Split ()
 Splits the buffer into two buffers at the write offset. The resulting buffer will comprise the read and readable portions of this buffer with the write offset and capacity set to the current write offset. This buffer will lose access to the split region and its read offset will be set to the current write offset. This buffer will also have its capacity reduced by the number of bytes in the returned buffer (i.e. the current number of read and readable bytes). Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.
IProtonBuffer Split (long index)
 Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set beyond the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.
int ForEachReadableComponent (in int index, in Func< int, IReadableComponent, bool > processor)
 Invokes the provided delegate for each readable component in this buffer and increments the provided index value for each invocation. The total number of buffers processed is returned to the caller. The delegate can stop processing at any time by returning false in which case this method will stop and return a negative value to indicate that processing stopped early and did not traverse all available components.
int ForEachWritableComponent (in int index, in Func< int, IWritableComponent, bool > processor)
 Invokes the provided delegate for each writable component in this buffer and increments the provided index value for each invocation. The total number of buffers processed is returned to the caller. The delegate can stop processing at any time by returning false in which case this method will stop and return a negative value to indicate that processing stopped early and did not traverse all available components.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBufferAccessors
bool GetBoolean (long index)
 Reads a single byte from the given index and returns a boolean value indicating if the byte was zero (false) or greater than zero (true).
sbyte GetByte (long index)
 Reads a single signed byte from the given index and returns it.
byte GetUnsignedByte (long index)
 Reads a single unsigned byte from the given index and returns it.
char GetChar (long index)
 Reads a single 2 byte char from the given index and returns it.
short GetShort (long index)
 Reads a single 2 byte short from the given index and returns it.
ushort GetUnsignedShort (long index)
 Reads a single 2 byte unsigned short from the given index and returns it.
int GetInt (long index)
 Reads a single 4 byte int from the given index and returns it.
uint GetUnsignedInt (long index)
 Reads a single 4 byte unsigned int from the given index and returns it.
long GetLong (long index)
 Reads a single 8 byte long from the given index and returns it.
ulong GetUnsignedLong (long index)
 Reads a single 8 byte unsigned long from the given index and returns it.
float GetFloat (long index)
 Reads a single 4 byte float from the given index and returns it.
double GetDouble (long index)
 Reads a single 8 byte double from the given index and returns it.
IProtonBuffer SetByte (long index, sbyte value)
 Write the given byte value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetUnsignedByte (long index, byte value)
 Write the given unsigned byte value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetBoolean (long index, bool value)
 Write the given boolean value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetChar (long index, char value)
 Write the given 2 byte char value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetShort (long index, short value)
 Write the given 2 byte short value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetUnsignedShort (long index, ushort value)
 Write the given 2 byte unsigned short value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetInt (long index, int value)
 Write the given 4 byte int value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetUnsignedInt (long index, uint value)
 Write the given 4 byte unsigned int value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetLong (long index, long value)
 Write the given 8 byte long value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetUnsignedLong (long index, ulong value)
 Write the given 8 byte unsigned long value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetFloat (long index, float value)
 Write the given 4 byte float value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
IProtonBuffer SetDouble (long index, double value)
 Write the given 8 byte double value at the given location in the buffer backing store without modifying the write offset of this buffer.
sbyte ReadByte ()
 Read a signed byte from the buffer and advance the read offset.
byte ReadUnsignedByte ()
 Read a unsigned byte from the buffer and advance the read offset.
bool ReadBoolean ()
 Reads the next byte from the buffer and returns the boolean value.
char ReadChar ()
 Reads the two bytes from the buffer and returns the char value.
short ReadShort ()
 Reads the next two bytes from the buffer and returns the short value.
ushort ReadUnsignedShort ()
 Reads the next two bytes from the buffer and returns the unsigned short value.
int ReadInt ()
 Reads the next four bytes from the buffer and returns the int value.
uint ReadUnsignedInt ()
 Reads the next four bytes from the buffer and returns the unsigned int value.
long ReadLong ()
 Reads the next eight bytes from the buffer and returns the long value.
ulong ReadUnsignedLong ()
 Reads the next eight bytes from the buffer and returns the unsigned long value.
float ReadFloat ()
 Reads the next four bytes from the buffer and returns the float value.
double ReadDouble ()
 Reads the next eight bytes from the buffer and returns the double value.
IProtonBuffer WriteByte (sbyte value)
 Writes the given byte value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteUnsignedByte (byte value)
 Writes the given unsigned byte value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteBoolean (bool value)
 Writes the given boolean value into this buffer as a single byte and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteShort (short value)
 Writes the given two byte short value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteUnsignedShort (ushort value)
 Writes the given two byte unsigned short value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteInt (int value)
 Writes the given four byte int value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteUnsignedInt (uint value)
 Writes the given four byte unsigned int value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteLong (long value)
 Writes the given eight byte long value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteUnsignedLong (ulong value)
 Writes the given eight byte unsigned long value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteFloat (float value)
 Writes the given four byte float value into this buffer and increases the write offset.
IProtonBuffer WriteDouble (double value)
 Writes the given eight byte double value into this buffer and increases the write offset.


long Capacity [get]
 Gets the current capacity of this buffer instance which is the total amount of bytes that could be written before additional buffer capacity would be needed to allow more buffer writes. The remaining amount of writable bytes at any given time is the buffer capacity minus the write offset.
bool IsReadable [get]
 Returns true if the current read offset is less than the current write offset meaning there are bytes available for reading.
long ReadableBytes [get]
 Returns the number of bytes that can currently be read from this buffer.
bool IsWritable [get]
 Returns true if write offset is less than the current buffer capacity limit.
long WritableBytes [get]
 Returns the number of bytes that can currently be written from this buffer.
long ReadOffset [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current read offset in this buffer. If the read offset is set to a value larger than the current write offset an exception is thrown.
long WriteOffset [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current write offset in this buffer. If the write offset is set to a value less than the current read offset or larger than the current buffer capacity an exception is thrown.
uint ComponentCount [get]
 Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will always be one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within.
uint ReadableComponentCount [get]
 Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer that are readable and would be provided to calls to the for each readable buffer API. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will be at most one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within that are readable.
uint WritableComponentCount [get]
 Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer that are writable and would be provided to calls to the for each writable buffer API. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will be at most one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within that are writable.
- Properties inherited from Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBufferAccessors
byte this[long i] [get, set]
 Indexed access to single unsigned byte values within the buffer which does not modify the read or write index value. The given index must adhere to the same constraints as the get byte and set byte level APIs in this buffer class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Compact()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Compact ( )

Discards the read bytes, and moves the buffer contents to the beginning of the buffer.

this buffer instance

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Copy() [1/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Copy ( )

Returns a copy of this buffer's readable bytes. Modifying the content of the returned buffer will not affect this buffers contents. The two buffers will maintain separate offsets. The returned copy has the write offset set to the length of the copy meaning that the entire copied region is read for reading.

A new buffer with a copy of the readable bytes in this buffer

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Copy() [2/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Copy ( long  index,
long  length 

Returns a copy of this buffer's readable bytes. Modifying the content of the returned buffer will not affect this buffers contents. The two buffers will maintain separate offsets. The amount and start of the data to be copied is provided by the index and length arguments. The returned copy has the write offset set to the length of the copy meaning that the entire copied region is read for reading.

indexThe read offset where the copy begins
lengthThe number of bytes to copy
A new buffer with a copy of the readable bytes in the specified region

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ CopyInto() [1/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.CopyInto ( long  srcPos,
byte[]  dest,
long  destPos,
long  length 

Copies the given number of bytes from this buffer into the target byte buffer starting the read from the given position in this buffer and the write to at the given position in the destination buffer. The length parameter controls how many bytes are copied to the destination. This method does not modify the read or write offset values in this buffer.

srcPosPosition in this buffer to begin the copy from
destDestination buffer where the copied bytes are written
destPosPosition in the destination where the write begins
lengthNumber of byte to copy to the destination
This buffer instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ CopyInto() [2/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.CopyInto ( long  srcPos,
IProtonBuffer  dest,
long  destPos,
long  length 

Copies the given number of bytes from this buffer into the target byte buffer starting the read from the given position in this buffer and the write to at the given position in the destination buffer. The length parameter controls how many bytes are copied to the destination. This method does not modify the read or write offset values in this buffer nor those of the destination buffer. The destination write index is an absolute index value unrelated to the write offset of the target.

srcPosPosition in this buffer to begin the copy from
destDestination buffer where the copied bytes are written
destPosPosition in the destination where the write begins
lengthNumber of byte to copy to the destination
This buffer instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ EnsureWritable()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.EnsureWritable ( long  amount)

Requests that the buffer ensure that there is enough allocated internal capacity such that the given number of bytes can be written without requiring additional allocations and that this amount does not exceed any total capacity restrictions for this buffer.

amountthe number of bytes that should be available fro writing
This buffer instance.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionIf the requested amount exceeds capacity restrictions

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Fill()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Fill ( byte  value)

Fill the buffer with the given byte value. This method does not respect the read offset nor the write offset but instead fills the entire backing buffer memory with the given value.

valueThe byte value to assign each byte in the backing store
This buffer instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ForEachReadableComponent()

int Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ForEachReadableComponent ( in int  index,
in Func< int, IReadableComponent, bool >  processor 

Invokes the provided delegate for each readable component in this buffer and increments the provided index value for each invocation. The total number of buffers processed is returned to the caller. The delegate can stop processing at any time by returning false in which case this method will stop and return a negative value to indicate that processing stopped early and did not traverse all available components.

indexa starting index which is increment after each call
processorThe delegate that will receive the components
The number of components processed or negative if stopped early.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ForEachWritableComponent()

int Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ForEachWritableComponent ( in int  index,
in Func< int, IWritableComponent, bool >  processor 

Invokes the provided delegate for each writable component in this buffer and increments the provided index value for each invocation. The total number of buffers processed is returned to the caller. The delegate can stop processing at any time by returning false in which case this method will stop and return a negative value to indicate that processing stopped early and did not traverse all available components.

indexa starting index which is increment after each call
processorThe delegate that will receive the components
The number of components processed or negative if stopped early.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ReadSplit()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ReadSplit ( long  offset)

Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index plus the current read offset. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set beyond the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.

offsetThe offset to split beyond the current read offset
A new buffer that access the front portion of the buffer split

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Reclaim()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Reclaim ( )

Reclaims read buffer space and returns it to the operating system or other pooling mechanisms if those are in place, then compacts the remaining buffer contents. For a non-composite buffer this operation could consist of allocating a smaller buffer to house any remaining unread bytes and freeing the larger backing buffer in some cases or it may result in a no-op depending on the buffer implementation. For the composite buffer case this operation provides an API which allows for fully read buffer constituents to be released and returned to a memory pool or back to the O/S.

this buffer instance

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Reset()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Reset ( )

Resets the read and write offset values to zero.

This buffer instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ SkipBytes()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.SkipBytes ( long  amount)

Advance the buffer read offset by the specified amount effectively skipping that number of bytes from being read.

amountThe number of bytes to skip
this buffer instance
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionIf the amount is negative or larger than readable size

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Split() [1/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Split ( )

Splits the buffer into two buffers at the write offset. The resulting buffer will comprise the read and readable portions of this buffer with the write offset and capacity set to the current write offset. This buffer will lose access to the split region and its read offset will be set to the current write offset. This buffer will also have its capacity reduced by the number of bytes in the returned buffer (i.e. the current number of read and readable bytes). Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.

A new buffer that access the front portion of the buffer split

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ Split() [2/2]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Split ( long  index)

Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set beyond the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.

indexThe index in this buffer where the split occurs
A new buffer that access the front portion of the buffer split

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ToString()

string Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ToString ( Encoding  encoding)

Coverts the readable bytes in this buffer into a string value using the Encoding value provided. The underlying read and write offset values are not modified as a result of this operation.

encodingThe encoding to use to convert the readable bytes
The string value of the readable bytes as converted by the provided Encoding

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WriteBytes() [1/3]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WriteBytes ( byte[]  source)

Writes the contents of the given byte array into this buffer and advances the write offset by the number of bytes written.

sourceThe byte buffer to be written into this buffer
this buffer instance
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionIf there are not enough writable bytes

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WriteBytes() [2/3]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WriteBytes ( byte[]  source,
long  offset,
long  length 

Writes the contents of the given byte array into this buffer and advances the write offset by the number of bytes written.

sourceThe byte buffer to be written into this buffer
offsetThe offset into the source buffer to start the write
lengthThe number of bytes from the source buffer to write into this buffer
this buffer instance
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionIf there are not enough writable bytes

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WriteBytes() [3/3]

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WriteBytes ( IProtonBuffer  source)

Transfers the bytes from the source buffer to this buffer starting at the current write offset and continues until the source buffer becomes unreadable. The write index of this buffer is increased by the number of bytes read from the source. The method also increases the read offset of the source by the same amount as was written.

sourceThe byte buffer to be written into this buffer
lengthThe number of bytes to write into this buffer
this buffer instance
IndexOutOfRangeExceptionIf there are not enough writable bytes

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WriteSplit()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WriteSplit ( long  offset)

Splits the buffer into two distinct buffers at the given index plus the current write offset. The returned buffer will retain the read offset and write offset of this buffer but will be truncated to match the capacity provided by the split index, which implies that they might both be set to the capacity if they were previously set to the split index. The returned buffer will set its read and write offsets to zero if they fell prior to the given index otherwise they will be truncated to match the new buffer capacity. Split buffers support the standard buffer operations including resizing to ensure writable regions which implies that a buffer resize on either will cause them to no longer reference the same underlying memory region. If buffer implementations implement pooling then they must ensure proper release of shared buffer regions once both buffers no longer reference them.

offsetThe offset to split beyond the current write offset
A new buffer that access the front portion of the buffer split

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

Property Documentation

◆ Capacity

long Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.Capacity

Gets the current capacity of this buffer instance which is the total amount of bytes that could be written before additional buffer capacity would be needed to allow more buffer writes. The remaining amount of writable bytes at any given time is the buffer capacity minus the write offset.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ComponentCount

uint Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ComponentCount

Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will always be one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ IsReadable

bool Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.IsReadable

Returns true if the current read offset is less than the current write offset meaning there are bytes available for reading.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ IsWritable

bool Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.IsWritable

Returns true if write offset is less than the current buffer capacity limit.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ReadableBytes

long Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ReadableBytes

Returns the number of bytes that can currently be read from this buffer.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ReadableComponentCount

uint Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ReadableComponentCount

Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer that are readable and would be provided to calls to the for each readable buffer API. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will be at most one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within that are readable.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ ReadOffset

long Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.ReadOffset

Gets or sets the current read offset in this buffer. If the read offset is set to a value larger than the current write offset an exception is thrown.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WritableBytes

long Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WritableBytes

Returns the number of bytes that can currently be written from this buffer.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WritableComponentCount

uint Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WritableComponentCount

Returns the number of component buffers in this buffer that are writable and would be provided to calls to the for each writable buffer API. If this is not a composite buffer instance then the count will be at most one. For a composite buffer this will be the count of the current number of component buffers contained within that are writable.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

◆ WriteOffset

long Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.IProtonBuffer.WriteOffset

Gets or sets the current write offset in this buffer. If the write offset is set to a value less than the current read offset or larger than the current buffer capacity an exception is thrown.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonByteBuffer, and Apache.Qpid.Proton.Buffer.ProtonCompositeBuffer.

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