interface | IProtonBuffer |
interface | IProtonBufferAccessors |
| Interface for proton buffer primitive type accessors that can be used with custom types to extend or otherwise customize buffer access. More...
interface | IProtonBufferAllocator |
| Defines the interface for a IProtonBuffer allocator that can be used by the Proton library to allow customization of the buffer types used for IO and application level buffer management. More...
interface | IProtonCompositeBuffer |
| A composite buffer is used to make a collection of other proton buffer instances appear as one cohesive buffer which allows the user to remain ignorant of the underlying buffer structure and in most cases does not require any special handling by the user. More...
interface | IReadableComponent |
| Provides a view of an individual component of a proton buffer during a call to the readable buffer processing methods. More...
interface | IWritableComponent |
class | ProtonBufferInputStream |
| Provides a read-only stream view of a proton buffer instance. The stream allows seeking within the readable bytes portion of the provided buffer but does not allow altering the readable length or writing to the buffer. More...
class | ProtonBufferOutputStream |
| Provides a write-only stream accessor of a proton buffer instance. The stream does not allow reading of the buffer that it wraps. More...
class | ProtonBufferSupport |
class | ProtonByteBuffer |
| A proton buffer implementation that wraps a single heap allocated byte array and provides read and write operations on that array along with self resizing based on capacity limits. More...
class | ProtonByteBufferAllocator |
| An buffer allocator instance that creates heap based buffer objects. More...
class | ProtonByteUtils |
| An buffer allocator instance that creates heap based buffer objects.
class | ProtonCompositeBuffer |
| A composite buffer contains zero, one or more proton buffer instances chained together to behave as if it were one single contiguous buffer which can be read or written to. More...