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Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T > Interface Template Reference

A single AMQP Message instance used by senders and receivers to provide a lower level abstraction around an AMQP message than the basic IMessage type but still provides the IMessage interface simpler access where needed. More...

Inheritance diagram for Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >:
Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IMessage< T > Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >

Public Member Functions

IAdvancedMessage< T > AddBodySection (ISection section)
 Adds the given section to the internal collection of sections that will be sent to the remote peer when this message is encoded. If a previous section was added by a call to the set body method it should be retained as the first element of the running list of body sections contained in this message.
IAdvancedMessage< T > SetBodySections (IEnumerable< ISection > section)
 Sets the body section instances to use when encoding this message. The value set replaces any existing sections assigned to this message through the add body sections API or the singular body set method. Calling the set method with a null or empty enumerable is equivalent to calling the clear body sections method. The values from the passed enumerable are copied and changes to it following calls to this method are not reflected in the collection contained in this message.
IEnumerable< ISectionGetBodySections ()
 Create and return an unmodifiable read-only view that contains the section instances currently assigned to this message.
IAdvancedMessage< T > ClearBodySections ()
 Clears all currently set body sections from this message instance.
IAdvancedMessage< T > ForEachBodySection (Action< ISection > consumer)
 Efficient enumeration over all currently assigned body sections in this message.
IProtonBuffer Encode (IDictionary< string, object > deliveryAnnotations)
 Encodes the advanced message for transmission by the client. The provided delivery annotations can be included or augmented by the advanced implementation based on the target message format. The implementation is responsible for ensuring that the delivery annotations are treated correctly encoded into the correct location in the message.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IMessage< T >
IAdvancedMessage< T > ToAdvancedMessage ()
 Safely converts this message to an advanced message instance which allows lower level access to AMQP message constructs.
bool HasAnnotation (string key)
 Query the message to determine if the message carries the given annotation keyed value.
object GetAnnotation (string key)
 Returns the requested message annotation value from this message if it exists or returns null otherwise.
IMessage< T > SetAnnotation (string key, object value)
 Add the annotation to he set of message annotations or update the value stored with the given annotation key.
object RemoveAnnotation (string key)
 Removes the given annotation from the message if present and returns the value that was stored within.
IMessage< T > ForEachAnnotation (Action< string, object > consumer)
 Efficient walk of all the current message annotations contained in this message.
bool HasProperty (string key)
 Query the message to determine if the message carries the given property.
object GetProperty (string key)
 Returns the requested message property value from this message if it exists or returns null otherwise.
IMessage< T > SetProperty (string key, object value)
 Add the property to he set of message properties or update the value stored with the given mapping.
object RemoveProperty (string key)
 Removes the given property from the message if present and returns the value that was stored within.
IMessage< T > ForEachProperty (Action< string, object > consumer)
 Efficient walk of all the current message properties contained in this message.
bool HasFooter (string key)
 Query the message to determine if the message carries the given footer entry.
object GetFooter (string key)
 Returns the requested message footer value from this message if it exists or returns null otherwise.
IMessage< T > SetFooter (string key, object value)
 Add the footer to he set of message footers or update the value stored with the given mapping.
object RemoveFooter (string key)
 Removes the given property from the message if present and returns the value that was stored within.
IMessage< T > ForEachFooter (Action< string, object > consumer)
 Efficient walk of all the current message footers contained in this message.

Static Public Member Functions

static new IAdvancedMessage< T > Create ()
 Creates a new advanced message instance using the Proton implementation.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IMessage< T >
static IMessage< T > Create (T value)
 Create and return an IMessage that will carry the body section provided.
static IMessage< byte[]> Create (byte[] value)
 Create and return an IMessage that will carry the body section provided as an AMQP Data section that carries the provided bytes.
static IMessage< IList > Create (IList value)
 Create and return an IMessage that will carry the body section provided as an AMQP Sequence section that carries the provided list entries.
static IMessage< IDictionary > Create< K, V > (IDictionary value)
 Create and return an IMessage that will carry the body section provided as an AMQP Value section that carries the provided map entries.


Header Header [get, set]
 Provides access to the AMQP Header instance that is carried in the message.
Properties Properties [get, set]
 Provides access to the AMQP Properties instance that is carried in the message.
MessageAnnotations Annotations [get, set]
 Provides access to the AMQP MessageAnnotations instance that is carried in the message.
ApplicationProperties ApplicationProperties [get, set]
 Provides access to the AMQP ApplicationProperties instance that is carried in the message.
Footer Footer [get, set]
 Provides access to the AMQP Footer instance that is carried in the message.
uint MessageFormat [get, set]
 Access the message format value present in this message. The exact structure of a message, together with its encoding, is defined by the message format (default is the AMQP defined message format zero.
- Properties inherited from Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IMessage< T >
bool Durable [get, set]
 For a message being sent this gets and sets the durability flag on the message. For a received message this gets or overwrites the durability flag set by the original sender (unless already locally updated).
byte Priority [get, set]
 For a message being sent this gets and sets the message priority on the message. For a received message this gets or overwrites the priority value set by the original sender (unless already locally updated).
uint TimeToLive [get, set]
 For a message being sent this gets and sets the message time to live on the message. For a received message this gets or overwrites the time to live value set by the original sender (unless already locally updated).
bool FirstAcquirer [get, set]
 For a message being sent this gets and sets the first acquirer flag on the message. For a received message this gets or overwrites the first acquirer flag set by the original sender (unless already locally updated).
uint DeliveryCount [get, set]
 For a message being sent this gets and sets the message delivery count on the message. For a received message this gets or overwrites the delivery count set by the original sender (unless already locally updated).
object MessageId [get, set]
 The message Id, if set, uniquely identifies a message within the message system. The message producer is usually responsible for setting the message-id in such a way that it is assured to be globally unique. A remote peer MAY discard a message as a duplicate if the value of the message-id matches that of a previously received message sent to the same node.
byte[] UserId [get, set]
 The identity of the user responsible for producing the message. The client sets this value, and it MAY be authenticated by intermediaries.
string To [get, set]
 The to field identifies the node that is the intended destination of the message. On any given transfer this might not be the node at the receiving end of the link.
string Subject [get, set]
 The Subject field is a common field for summary information about the message content and purpose.
string ReplyTo [get, set]
 The reply to field identifies a node that is the intended destination for responses to this message.
object CorrelationId [get, set]
 This is a client-specific id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients.
string ContentType [get, set]
 The RFC-2046 MIME type for the message's application-data section (body). As per RFC-2046 this can contain a charset parameter defining the character encoding used: e.g., 'text/plain; charset="utf-8"'.
string ContentEncoding [get, set]
 The content-encoding property is used as a modifier to the content-type. When present, its value indicates what additional content encodings have been applied to the application-data, and thus what decoding mechanisms need to be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the content-type header field. Content-encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying content type.
ulong AbsoluteExpiryTime [get, set]
 An absolute time when this message is considered to be expired.
ulong CreationTime [get, set]
 An absolute time when this message was created.
string GroupId [get, set]
 Identifies the group the message belongs to.
uint GroupSequence [get, set]
 The relative position of this message within its group.
string ReplyToGroupId [get, set]
 This is a client-specific id that is used so that client can send replies to this message to a specific group.
bool HasAnnotations [get]
 Checks if the message carries any annotations.
bool HasProperties [get]
 Checks if the message carries any message properties.
Body [get, set]
 Access the body of this message. Depending on the current state of the message an exception might be thrown indicating that the body is not readable or is not writable.
bool HasFooters [get]
 Checks if the message carries any footers.

Detailed Description

A single AMQP Message instance used by senders and receivers to provide a lower level abstraction around an AMQP message than the basic IMessage type but still provides the IMessage interface simpler access where needed.

Template Parameters
TThe type that comprises the message body</typename>

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBodySection()

Adds the given section to the internal collection of sections that will be sent to the remote peer when this message is encoded. If a previous section was added by a call to the set body method it should be retained as the first element of the running list of body sections contained in this message.

The implementation should make an attempt to validate that sections added are valid for the message format that is assigned when they are added.

sectionThe section to add to the collection of sections in this message
This advanced message instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ ClearBodySections()

Clears all currently set body sections from this message instance.

This advanced message instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ Create()

static new IAdvancedMessage< T > Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.Create ( )

Creates a new advanced message instance using the Proton implementation.

A new advanced message instance.

Implements Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IMessage< T >.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ Encode()

IProtonBuffer Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.Encode ( IDictionary< string, object >  deliveryAnnotations)

Encodes the advanced message for transmission by the client. The provided delivery annotations can be included or augmented by the advanced implementation based on the target message format. The implementation is responsible for ensuring that the delivery annotations are treated correctly encoded into the correct location in the message.

deliveryAnnotationsOptions delivery annotations to encode with the message
The encoded message bytes in a proton buffer instance

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ ForEachBodySection()

IAdvancedMessage< T > Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.ForEachBodySection ( Action< ISection consumer)

Efficient enumeration over all currently assigned body sections in this message.

consumerFunction to invoke for each section in the message
This advanced message instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ GetBodySections()

IEnumerable< ISection > Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.GetBodySections ( )

Create and return an unmodifiable read-only view that contains the section instances currently assigned to this message.

a read-only view of the sections in this message's body

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ SetBodySections()

IAdvancedMessage< T > Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.SetBodySections ( IEnumerable< ISection section)

Sets the body section instances to use when encoding this message. The value set replaces any existing sections assigned to this message through the add body sections API or the singular body set method. Calling the set method with a null or empty enumerable is equivalent to calling the clear body sections method. The values from the passed enumerable are copied and changes to it following calls to this method are not reflected in the collection contained in this message.

sectionsThe collection of body sections to assign to this message
This advanced message instance.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

Property Documentation

◆ Annotations

Provides access to the AMQP MessageAnnotations instance that is carried in the message.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ ApplicationProperties

Provides access to the AMQP ApplicationProperties instance that is carried in the message.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ Footer

Provides access to the AMQP Footer instance that is carried in the message.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ Header

Provides access to the AMQP Header instance that is carried in the message.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ MessageFormat

uint Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.IAdvancedMessage< T >.MessageFormat

Access the message format value present in this message. The exact structure of a message, together with its encoding, is defined by the message format (default is the AMQP defined message format zero.

This field MUST be specified for the first transfer of a streamed message, if it is not set at the time of send of the first transfer the sender uses the AMQP default value of zero for this field.

The upper three octets of a message format code identify a particular message format. The lowest octet indicates the version of said message format. Any given version of a format is forwards compatible with all higher versions.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

◆ Properties

Provides access to the AMQP Properties instance that is carried in the message.

Implemented in Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation.ClientMessage< T >.

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