Proton DotNet
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Apache.Qpid.Proton.Client.Implementation Namespace Reference


class  ClientAccepted
 Client version of the proton Accepted delivery state. More...
class  ClientConnection
 The client connection class manages a single connection to a remote AMQP peer and handles connection errors and reconnection operations if those are enabled. More...
class  ClientConnectionCapabilities
 Tracks available known capabilities for the connection to allow the client to know what features are supported on the current connection. More...
class  ClientConstants
class  ClientConversionSupport
 Conversion utilities useful for multiple client operations.
class  ClientDelivery
 Client inbound delivery API that wraps the proton resources and provides API to operate on them. More...
class  ClientDeliveryState
 Client implementation of a delivery state mapping to the proton types. More...
class  ClientErrorCondition
 Client error condition implementation which serves as a layer over the proton based version allowing for external implementations and mapping to / from Symbol types which the client tries not to expose. More...
class  ClientExceptionSupport
 Exception support API for creating or passing through client exception types and or wrapping when a fatal vs non-fatal type needs to be presented.
class  ClientInstance
 The client type servers as a container of connections and provides a means of closing all open connection in a single operation which can be performed synchronously or provides a Task type that allows a caller to be notified once all connections have been closed. More...
class  ClientLinkType
class  ClientLocalTransactionContext
 A local transaction based context for AMQP transactional sessions.
class  ClientMessage
class  ClientMessageSupport
class  ClientModified
 Client version of the proton Modified delivery state. More...
class  ClientNextReceiverSelector
class  ClientNoOpStreamTracker
class  ClientNoOpTracker
class  ClientNoOpTransactionContext
 A pass-through transaction context that is used when a session is operating without any active transactional state.
class  ClientReceiver
 Client receiver implementation which provides a wrapper around the proton receiver link and processes incoming deliveries with options for queueing with a credit window. More...
class  ClientReceiverBuilder
 The receiver builder is used by client session instances to create AMQP receivers and wrap those within a client receiver instance.
class  ClientReceiverLinkType
 Base type used to implement common AMQP receiver operations shared by all the client's receiver types. More...
class  ClientRedirect
 Support class that houses the information and API needed to process redirection information sent from a remote. More...
class  ClientRejected
 Client version of the proton Rejected delivery state. More...
class  ClientReleased
 Client version of the proton Released delivery state. More...
class  ClientRemoteSource
 Client source wrapper that exposes a readonly view of a proton Source instance.
class  ClientRemoteTarget
 Client source wrapper that exposes a readonly view of a proton Source instance.
class  ClientSender
 Sender implementation that send complete messages on a remote link. More...
class  ClientSenderBuilder
 The sender builder is used by client session instances to create AMQP senders and wrap those within a client sender instance.
class  ClientSession
 Client session that wraps a proton session instance and provides the higher level clint API for managing links and creating session scoped transaction instances. More...
class  ClientSessionBuilder
 The session builder is used by client connection instances to create AMQP sessions and wrap those within a client session instance.
class  ClientStreamDelivery
 The stream delivery type manages the underlying state of an incoming streaming message delivery and provides the stream type used to read and block for reads when not all requested message data has arrived. The delivery will also manage settlement of a streaming delivery and apply receiver configuration rules like auto settlement to the delivery as incoming portions of the message arrive. More...
class  ClientStreamReceiver
 Implements the streaming message receiver which allows for reading of large messages in smaller chunks. The API allows for multiple calls to receiver but any call that happens after a large message receives begins will be blocked until the previous large message is fully read and the next arrives. More...
class  ClientStreamReceiverMessage
class  ClientStreamSender
 Implements the stream sender using a stateful current outgoing message that prevents any sends other than to the current message until the current is completed. More...
class  ClientStreamSenderMessage
class  ClientStreamSession
class  ClientStreamTracker
class  ClientTracker
class  ClientTransactional
 Client version of the proton Transactional delivery state. More...
class  ClientTransportProxy
 Creates a proxy layer between a transport instance and an engine instance which isolates concerns of mapping the events from a transport to a given engine instance and prevents possible misdirected event routing during reconnects etc where the active transport and engine will switch. More...
class  DeliveryStateExtensions
interface  IClientTransactionContext
 Base for a Transaction Context used in client session instances to mask from the senders and receivers the work of deciding transaction specific behaviors.
interface  ISendable