IProtonBuffer | Encode (IDictionary< string, object > deliveryAnnotations) |
IMessage< Stream > | ForEachAnnotation (Action< string, object > consumer) |
object | GetAnnotation (string key) |
IMessage< Stream > | SetAnnotation (string key, object value) |
bool | HasAnnotation (string key) |
object | RemoveAnnotation (string key) |
IMessage< Stream > | ForEachProperty (Action< string, object > consumer) |
object | GetProperty (string key) |
IMessage< Stream > | SetProperty (string key, object value) |
bool | HasProperty (string key) |
object | RemoveProperty (string key) |
IMessage< Stream > | ForEachFooter (Action< string, object > consumer) |
object | GetFooter (string key) |
IMessage< Stream > | SetFooter (string key, object value) |
bool | HasFooter (string key) |
object | RemoveFooter (string key) |
IAdvancedMessage< Stream > | ForEachBodySection (Action< ISection > consumer) |
IAdvancedMessage< Stream > | AddBodySection (ISection section) |
IAdvancedMessage< Stream > | ClearBodySections () |
IEnumerable< ISection > | GetBodySections () |
IAdvancedMessage< Stream > | SetBodySections (IEnumerable< ISection > section) |
IAdvancedMessage< T > | AddBodySection (ISection section) |
| Adds the given section to the internal collection of sections that will be sent to the remote peer when this message is encoded. If a previous section was added by a call to the set body method it should be retained as the first element of the running list of body sections contained in this message.
IAdvancedMessage< T > | SetBodySections (IEnumerable< ISection > section) |
| Sets the body section instances to use when encoding this message. The value set replaces any existing sections assigned to this message through the add body sections API or the singular body set method. Calling the set method with a null or empty enumerable is equivalent to calling the clear body sections method. The values from the passed enumerable are copied and changes to it following calls to this method are not reflected in the collection contained in this message.
IEnumerable< ISection > | GetBodySections () |
| Create and return an unmodifiable read-only view that contains the section instances currently assigned to this message.
IAdvancedMessage< T > | ClearBodySections () |
| Clears all currently set body sections from this message instance.
IAdvancedMessage< T > | ForEachBodySection (Action< ISection > consumer) |
| Efficient enumeration over all currently assigned body sections in this message.
IProtonBuffer | Encode (IDictionary< string, object > deliveryAnnotations) |
| Encodes the advanced message for transmission by the client. The provided delivery annotations can be included or augmented by the advanced implementation based on the target message format. The implementation is responsible for ensuring that the delivery annotations are treated correctly encoded into the correct location in the message.
IStreamDelivery | Delivery [get] |
| Returns the stream delivery that is linked to this message.
IStreamReceiver | Receiver [get] |
| Returns the stream receiver instance that owns this incoming stream message.
bool | Aborted [get] |
| Check if the streamed delivery that was assigned to this message has been marked as aborted by the remote.
bool | Completed [get] |
| Check if the streamed delivery that was assigned to this message has been marked as complete by the remote.
uint | MessageFormat [get, set] |
Header | Header [get, set] |
bool | Durable [get, set] |
byte | Priority [get, set] |
uint | TimeToLive [get, set] |
bool | FirstAcquirer [get, set] |
uint | DeliveryCount [get, set] |
Properties | Properties [get, set] |
object | MessageId [get, set] |
byte[] | UserId [get, set] |
string | To [get, set] |
string | Subject [get, set] |
string | ReplyTo [get, set] |
object | CorrelationId [get, set] |
string | ContentType [get, set] |
string | ContentEncoding [get, set] |
ulong | AbsoluteExpiryTime [get, set] |
ulong | CreationTime [get, set] |
string | GroupId [get, set] |
uint | GroupSequence [get, set] |
string | ReplyToGroupId [get, set] |
MessageAnnotations | Annotations [get, set] |
bool | HasAnnotations [get] |
ApplicationProperties | ApplicationProperties [get, set] |
bool | HasProperties [get] |
Footer | Footer [get, set] |
bool | HasFooters [get] |
Stream | Body [get, set] |
Header | Header [get, set] |
| Provides access to the AMQP Header instance that is carried in the message.
Properties | Properties [get, set] |
| Provides access to the AMQP Properties instance that is carried in the message.
MessageAnnotations | Annotations [get, set] |
| Provides access to the AMQP MessageAnnotations instance that is carried in the message.
ApplicationProperties | ApplicationProperties [get, set] |
| Provides access to the AMQP ApplicationProperties instance that is carried in the message.
Footer | Footer [get, set] |
| Provides access to the AMQP Footer instance that is carried in the message.
uint | MessageFormat [get, set] |
| Access the message format value present in this message. The exact structure of a message, together with its encoding, is defined by the message format (default is the AMQP defined message format zero.