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Apache Qpid JMS AMQP 0-8/0-9/0-9-1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Document Scope And Intended Audience
3. Getting the Client And Dependencies
3.1. Getting the Client
3.2. Dependencies
4. Examples
4.1. Point to point example
4.2. Publish/subscribe example
5. Understanding the Client
5.1. Overview
5.2. ConnectionFactory
5.3. Connection
5.3.1. Failover
5.3.2. Heartbeating
5.3.3. SSL
5.3.4. Message Compression
5.4. Session
5.4.1. Prefetch
5.4.2. TemporaryQueues
5.4.3. CreateQueue
5.4.4. CreateTopic
5.5. MessageProducer
5.5.1. Mandatory Messages
5.5.2. Close When No Route
5.5.3. Immediate Messages
5.5.4. Flow Control
5.6. MessageConsumer
5.6.1. Consumers have Exchange/Queue Declaration and Binding Side Effect
5.6.2. Topic Subscriptions
5.6.3. Maximum Delivery Count
5.7. Destinations
6. JNDI Properties Format
6.1. ConnectionFactory
6.2. Queue
6.3. Topic
6.4. Destination
7. Connection URLs
8. Binding URL
8.1. Binding URL Examples
8.1.1. Binding URLs for declaring of JMS Queues
8.1.2. Binding URLs for declaring of JMS Topics
8.1.3. Wildcard characters in routing keys for topic destinations
8.1.4. More Examples
9. Message Encryption
9.1. Overview
9.2. Sending an Encrypted Message
9.2.1. Providing the Trust Store
9.2.2. Enabling Encryption
9.2.3. Choosing Recipients
9.2.4. Exposing Properties
9.3. Receiving an Encrypted Message
9.3.1. Providing the Key Store
9.4. Message Encryption Example
9.4.1. Introduction
9.4.2. Prerequisites
9.4.3. Broker Configuration
9.4.4. Client Configuration
9.4.5. Application Code
10. System Properties
11. Logging
11.1. Recommended Production Logging Level
11.2. Enabling Debug
A. Exceptions
B. Minimal Maven POM
C. JMS Extensions
C.1. Connection extensions
C.2. ConnectAttemptListener
C.3. Queue Management
C.3.1. Queue creation
C.4. Binding Management
C.4.1. Binding creation
D. PooledConnectionFactory
E. How to bind Qpid destinations and connection factories into Tomcat JNDI
F. Impact of Broker enforced Producer Flow Control on Client